Discussion Boards
How do I post a message to a board?
Log into GSB Discussion Boards and choose the board that best describes your interest or need. Select the blue "New Post" button. Enter a descriptive title and compose your post. You can enter links and format your posting. Remember to select the "Submit" button to post to the board.
- All alumni can post to any board and read all postings, but only subscribers can send and receive posts by email.
- Your name, program, and class year will automatically be listed with your post. There are no anonymous postings.
- Remember to post only questions or information that concern you directly, not your friends or family. Postings to the boards should not promote personal business or special interests (fundraising, political, non-profit, etc.) because alumni consider this a misuse of the boards. Usage Policy and Guidelines
How do I reply to a Discussion Board post
Just like the "old mail groups" subscribers can reply to a discussion via email without going to the Discussion Board website. Note the results of these choices.
- "Reply" to the email and only the sender will receive your response and your response WILL NOT be posted to the Discussion Board.
- "Reply to All" and the sender and ALL SUBSCRIBERS will receive your response. Your response WILL BE posted to the Discussion Board.
- Do not edit the subject of the posting email and you must include the content of the original email. Put your message above the unedited original email.
- Too many emails? Remember, if you want to limit the amount of emails generated by a particular Discussion Board, consider adjusting your preferences to a daily or weekly digest. You can do this for each board quickly and easily under "My Profile/Privacy/Preferences/Discussion Boards"
- Non-Subscribers can reply to a board discussion from the website using the "Reply" link.
Why did I receive a bounced message after sending an email to a board?
You must be subscribed to the board to send email to the subscribers. You can use any email address listed in your Alumni Directory Profile, but you will only receive emails to the email address that is subscribed to the boards. Remember you do not need to be subscribed to a board to post to the Discussion Board from the web, but only subscribers can send and receive postings by email.
- To update your email address, log into "My Profile" and edit your personal and/or professional email addresses.
- Go to "My Profile/Privacy/Preferences/DiscussionBoards" to your preferences for each of your subscribed boards.
Why didn't the photo/document/other attachment I emailed to the board get posted?
Discussion boards are text only. They will not accept attachments or photos. These will be stripped from your email before appearing on the board. Instead copy the text of a document into the body of your email.
I sent an email to a Discussion Board and it did not post to the board?
Discussion Boards only accept email from subscribers. If you would like to post to a Discussion Board via email, you must first subscribe.
Why didn't my reply to an email posting post to the board?
- "Reply" to the email, and only the sender will receive your response, and your response WILL NOT be posted to the Discussion Board.
- "Reply to All" and the sender, and ALL SUBSCRIBERS will receive your response. Your response WILL BE posted to the Discussion Board as well. When you "Reply to All," you must not edit the subject, and the original email you are replying to must be included in your email without any changes. You should put your message above the original email.
How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from a board?
First log into "My Profile" and edit your personal and/or professional email addresses. Then choose the GSB Discussion Boards link under "Community/Networks" in the left-hand navigation. On the GSB Discussion Board home page select the blue "Subscribe to Boards" button.
How do I stop or limit all these emails coming from the boards?
Remember, if you want to limit the amount of emails generated by a particular Discussion Board, consider adjusting your preferences to a daily or weekly digest. You can do this for each board quickly and easily. Under "My Profile/Privacy/Preferences/Discussion Boards". You have the option to receive your emails daily, once a week, or never (and just view them on the Discusion Board website).
How do I change the email address where I receive Discussion Board messages?
Visit My Profile/Prefences to udpate your email address.Then visit Discussion Board Preferences to update your "subscribed" email address.
How can I find out which Discussion Boards I'm subscribed to?
Log into Discussion Boards and look in the white box titled "My Subscriptions". You can also choose the "Subscribe to Boards" button and all of your currently-subscribed boards will have a check next to them.
Who can see and post to the Discussion Boards?
GSB alumni can see all alumni "GSB Boards" and "Alumni/Student" boards. GSB students can only view and post to "Student" boards and "Alumni/Student" boards. Students cannot view the alumni-only boards, and alumni cannot view the student-only boards.
How do I search the Discussion Boards?
Using the keyword search you can search across all Discussion Boards to find a past discussion. You do not need to remember the specific board when looking for a past discussion, and you can narrow your search to a specific category or specific board.
What is tagging?
Tagging is a way to categorize and organize posts. You can "tag" any post with keywords. They will then group with other posts with the same tags. The tags are shared by the community, so you can find other posts with the same topic that have been tagged by other alums.
You can see a list of your tags from "My Tags". From the "All Tags" page, you can see a list of the 500 most popular tags that all alumni have used on this site. The bigger the tag appears on this page, the more popular it is with your fellow alums. To see what everyone's tagging about, click on the tag of your choice.
What are ratings?
Ratings allow you to "vote" on the posts you read as to how relevant or good they are. The star rating allows alumni to rate discussion posts on a scale of 1 through 5. Content with 5 stars has been deemed most valuable by your fellow alumni. Look for the 5-star rating button on any discussion post to add your rating. To do so, simply hover your cursor over the stars until you've highlighted the number you'd like to award.
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- If you do not find the answer to your question, please contact Online Customer Service or call toll free 1-866-543-0243 (International call 1-650-724-0627).