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SAA Membership FAQ

Everything you wanted to know and more about membership with the Stanford Alumni Association.

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» General

What's the best way to contact the SAA Membership office?

E-mail: [email protected]
Call toll free: (800) 786-2586 (800-STN-ALUM)
Call local: (650) 725-0692
Fax: (650) 725-2175


What are the SAA Membership office hours?

Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm.


Who can join SAA?

There are two types of SAA membership:

  1. Alumni Membership: must have completed a minimum of three academic quarters as a matriculated, degree-seeking student, in a degree-granting program. Degrees include bachelors, masters, Ph.D., MLA = Master of Liberal Arts.
  2. Affiliate Membership: open to all Stanford Affiliates including staff, faculty, parents of students, certificate holders. Basically, an affiliate membership is similar to an alumni membership, with the exception of certain benefits that the University reserves for alumni. Questions about Affiliate Memberships? Contact the SAA Membership department at [email protected].


Does the SAA offer Joint or Family Memberships?

No. We do not offer joint or family memberships. Sometimes, both people in a couple choose to join; in other cases only one chooses to join. The key benefits that are accessible only by the person who holds the membership are:

  • Access to Stanford Golf course
  • Stanford Continuing Studies discounts
  • Additional free library access
  • Access to Stanford Federal Credit Union


Do membership rates change every year?

No. SAA does not change its membership rates each year. We recently made a price adjustment to account for inflation, but prior to that, prices had not been adjusted for ten years.


How do I get a new Membership Card?

SAA replaces membership cards free of charge, once we confirm an active membership. Depending upon your preference, we can either mail it to you or leave it at the reception desk of the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center for you to pick up. Unless otherwise requested, we mail these out within 2 business days. You can fill out our online request form to get a new card.


I'm playing golf tomorrow and need a new card.

SAA members have access to the Stanford golf course (650-323-0944), but MUST provide their SAA membership card to get on the course.

If there is not enough time for us to mail a new card, please call the SAA Membership Department (650-725-0692) once you have scheduled your tee time and we will confirm your membership with the golf course directly.


How do I get a new member key tag?

SAA replaces key tags free of charge. Please fill out a request form online. Because the key tag is engraved with your personal SAA member number, the processing time is around 6-8 weeks. Key tags are mailed directly to your address on record. Need to update your address? Send an e-mail to the Records department at [email protected] or call 650-725-4336.


My key tag and keys were stolen/lost. Do you have them?

If a key tag and keys are found and dropped in a U.S. mailbox, they are returned to the SAA membership office. We can use your unique member number to get the keys back to you. The found keys can either be mailed to you or can be left at the reception desk of the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center for you to pick up.

If you call or e-mail to report your keys lost, please give us as much information as possible regarding where they were lost and how we can contact you. Unfortunately the keys may come in two weeks, two months, or not at all. It depends upon whether or not someone found them and was kind enough to drop them in a mailbox. If the keys have not been found after a couple of months, we ask that you contact us so that we can order a new key tag for you.


What is my SAA member number?

Your SAA member number is located on your SAA membership card or your brass key tag. However, if you have lost your card, the SAA Membership office would be more than happy to look this up for you. Please call or e-mail us at [email protected].

To access your SAA membership number online, please log into your SAA account and select My Account at the upper right side of the screen. Then, select View all profile data. Your SAA member number is listed under Account Information at the bottom of the page. If you have not yet registered to create your free online account, please visit our help with site registration page.


Are membership dues tax deductible?

Membership dues to the Stanford Alumni Association may be considered tax-deductible and it is recommended that you consult with your tax advisor.


What is the difference between the SAA membership and the Stanford Business School Alumni Association membership?

The Stanford Business School Alumni Association (SBSAA) is a separate organization from the Stanford Alumni Association (SAA). While many of the membership benefits of the two programs are similar, these are the primary differences:

  1. An SAA membership offers access to the Stanford Sierra Camp and discounts on Reunion Homecoming. Additionally, the service fee is waived for SAA members who participate in Travel/Study trips. Learn more about SAA Membership.
  2. The SBSAA membership offers additional access to online library databases such as Business Monitor Online (International), ReferenceUSA, TableBase, and WetFeet. Other benefits include a 15% discount on open-enrollment GSB Executive Education programs (Stanford Executive Program excluded), discounts to select GSB alumni events and MBA first-year reunion Saturday party at no cost. Learn more about SBSAA Membership.


Lost card or key chain?

Just fill out our request form.

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