Members Get Special Benefits
By joining the Stanford Alumni Association, you'll receive valuable member-only benefits, including access to the private Stanford Golf Course, discounts on Reunion Homecoming, and special rates on athletic facility passes. These privileges start the day you purchase your membership and are always being updated to serve your needs.
On Campus Opportunities (*Member-only benefit)
Staying Connected (*Member-only benefit)
Career Services and Education (*Member-only benefit)
Travel and Recreation (*Member-only benefit)
Financial and Consumer Services (*Member-only benefit)
Stanford Products and Wine (*Member-only benefit)
For Current Students (*Member-only benefit)
- Facebook page for student and recent graduate members*
- Special invitations to limited-engagement alumni-student networking events*
- Receive five free moving boxes at the end of Spring quarter, every year*
- Celebrate your graduation with SAA's commencement events
- At graduation, members receive a 10% discount on cap & gown rental and a free class year license plate frame*
Learn more about the benefits available to Affiliate Members. While a majority of the exclusive member benefits listed above are available to both our alumni and affiliate members, some are available only to alumni members.Learn more ...
- Who can join SAA?
- I am playing golf tomorrow and need a new card. What should I do?
- How do I get a new member key tag?
Contact us
Contact the Membership department by phone at
(650) 725-0692 or
(800) 786-2586
You may also
send us an email