Membership Information
Join or Renew Your SBSAA Membership
All MBA, PhD, Sloan, and SEP graduates of Stanford GSB are eligible to join the Stanford Business School Alumni Association (SBSAA).
Two Membership Options
- Lifetime Membership
$825, payable all at once or in three annual installments of $300 each - Annual Membership
$95 paid annually
Attention Current GSB Students
Discounted membership pricing will be available to you in April of your graduation year.
Why Join - Membership Benefits
Membership dues enable us to continue to expand and improve services offered to our alumni. These funds are separate and distinct from the donations you may make to the GSB or the University.
Show Me the Member Benefits >
- Free unlimited online access to many premier Library Research Databases ($250 value per year)
- Alumni access to the private Stanford Golf Course
- MBA first-year reunion Saturday party at no cost ($75 value) - Only for Life Members
- All-Sloan reunion Friday dinner at Fall Alumni Weekend at no cost ($75 value) - Only for Sloan 2013 Life Members
- 15% discount per class on Stanford Continuing Studies courses
- 15% discount on open-enrollment GSB Executive Education programs (Stanford Executive Program excluded)
- Discounted passes to Stanford pools and gyms
- Complimentary access to Stanford GSB Leadership in Focus Video Collection
What Are the Differences Between SBSAA and Stanford Alumni Association Membership?
The Stanford Business School Alumni Association (SBSAA) is a separate organization from the Stanford Alumni Association (SAA). While many of the membership benefits of the two programs are similar, these are the primary differences:
Show Me the Differences >
- A Stanford Business School Alumni Association (SBSAA) membership offers additional access to online library databases such as Business Monitor Online (International), ReferenceUSA, TableBase, and WetFeet. Other benefits include a 15% discount on open-enrollment GSB Executive Education programs (Stanford Executive Program excluded), discounts to select GSB alumni events and MBA first-year reunion Saturday party at no cost.
- A Stanford Alumni Association (SAA) membership offers access to the Stanford Sierra Camp and discounts on Reunion Homecoming. Additionally, the service fee is waived for SAA members who participate in Travel/Study trips. Learn more about SAA Membership

find out more
- Need Help with your GSB alumni username and password? See Help Me
- What Happens If I Don't Join the SBSAA?
Regardless of membership status, all MBA, PhD, Sloan, and SEP graduates of Stanford GSB receive the Stanford Business Magazine, invitations to chapter events, and regular communications from the GSB and have access to many programs and services provided by the SBSAA.
contact us
- For membership questions, contact Coral Hunt in the Alumni Office at