William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award

William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator AwardWilliam E. Spicer (1929-2004) was an esteemed member of the international scientific community as a teacher and researcher in electrical engineering, applied physics and materials science. Bill spent the past 40 years as a professor at Stanford where he pioneered the technique ofultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and its subsequent expansion into the use of synchrotron radiation. In 1972, Bill together with Sebastian Doniach founded the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project which evolved into today's SSRL. He was a prolific author with over 700 works and the recipient of many honors and awards including the Lifetime Mentor Award by the AAAS in 2000, reflecting his tireless effort on the behalf of under-represented minorities and women. Though retired for some years, Bill continued to actively advise students at SSRL up until his death.

In honor of his many professional and personal contributions to our community, SSRL and the SSRL Users' Organization established the William E. Spicer Young Investigator Award in 2004. The award was modified in 2009 to accept additional donations to acknowledge and honor Diane M. Spicer, who passed away in April 2009.

William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator AwardThe Spicer Young Investigator Award will be presented at the annual users' meeting to a new investigator who has made important technical or scientific contributions that benefit from or are beneficial to SSRL or to the lightsource community overall. The $1,000 award is open to senior graduate students and those within seven years of entry into their professional scientific field at the time of nomination. SSRL users and staff are eligible for this award (joint or group awards are not encouraged).

Awardee names are added to a plaque displayed in the SSRL User Research Administration Office. The following people have received the William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award:

Nomination packages should summarize the technical or scientific contributions of the candidate, including the candidate's curriculum vitae, publications, and a letter of nomination (supporting letters are also encouraged). Nomination packages need to be received by August 1 to be considered. Forward nominations to Cathy Knotts via e-mail, regular mail or fax:

Cathy Knotts
Manager, User Research Administration
SLAC National Accelerator, SSRL/LCLS
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel. 650-926-3191
Fax. 650-926-3600

Nominations received by the August 1 deadline will be reviewed by the selection committee. The Award will be presented at the Users' Meeting. The awardee will be asked to give a presentation on his/her research during the Users' Conference.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to forward your nomination and for your continuing support of the SSRL Users' Organization.


We invite donations towards the William E. and Diane M. Spicer Award fund. These can be sent by check, made payable to "Stanford University" (noting "Spicer Award" on the memo line), to SSRL c/o Cathy Knotts, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road MS 99, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Alternatively, if you would like to make a gift by credit card, please phone 866-543-0243 (toll free) Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST to reach a customer service representative who can help you. Please specify that your gift is designated for "The Spicer Award." Callers from outside the US, please phone 650-724-0627 (not toll free).

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