January 2012
January 26, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Kevin Warsh
January 26, 2012
SIEPR Associates Meeting with Kevin Warsh who will discuss The Economy and Financial Markets
Watch Live at 5pm PST

February 2012
February 9, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Fresh Thinking
February 9, 2012
Fresh Thinking Workshop with Dana Goldman, Vic Fuchs and John Shoven

February 15, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Enrico Moretti
February 15, 2012
Enrico Moretti will speak to SIEPR Associates about The New Geography of Jobs

March 2012
SIEPR Economic Summit 2012
Senator Kent Conrad ImageMarch 9, 2012
SIEPR Economic Summit 2012 with keynote Jeffrey R. Immelt Chairman and CEO, GE will also feature Economics Nobel winner, Jim Heckman from the University of Chicago, and John Lipsky Distinguished Visiting Scholar, School for Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC; Former First Deputy Managing Director, IMF and SIEPR Advisory Board Member along with Senator Kent Conrad (ND) Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.

April 2012
April 4, 2012 Location: Cemex Auditorium GSB
Larry Summers and John Taylor
April 4th, 2012
A Debate:  "Are Government Interventions an Important Cause of Our Recent Economic Problems?" Associates Meeting with Larry Summers and John Taylor

SCID Trade Conference, The Future of the WTO

April 26 & 27, 2012
SCID Trade Conference, Future of the WTO - Agenda

May 2012
May 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
SCID will host the Twelfth Annual Huang Lian Memorial Lecture.
May 22, 2012
SCID will host the Twelfth Annual Huang Lian Memorial Lecture. Scott Rozelle, Professor in International Agricultural Policy, Stanford University and Senior Fellow, SCID, SIEPR and FSI will discuss The Real Threat: Why Might We Need to Worry About a Stagnating China?

May 11, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Policy Forum - Money, Politics, and the Economy
May 11, 2012
Policy Forum - Money, Politics, and the Economy

May 30, 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Stanford Management Company CEO's
May 30th, 2012
SIEPR Associates meeting, A Conversation about Endowment Investing with Three Stanford Management Company CEO's;  Laurie Hoagland, Mike McCaffery and John Powers

June 2012
June 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Richard Kovacevich
June 12, 2012
SIEPR Associates meeting with Richard Kovacevich who shares
Some Common Sense Answers to the Major Financial Questions of Today

July 2012
July 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Twenty-Fifth Annual Summer Economic Institute for Teachers
July 30 - Aug 3, 2012
Twenty-Fifth Annual Summer Economic Institute for Teachers
Looking Back/ Looking Forward - Agenda

September 2012
September 2012 Location: Tokyo, Japan
SCID IMF Conference 2012 ­
September 13 & 14, 2012
SCID IMF Emerging Asia Conference, Tokyo

September 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
The Economy and the Election
September 24, 2012
The Economy and the Election
With Alan Auerbach, Robert D. Burch Professor of Economics and Law, UC Berkeley and Michael Boskin, Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow at both the Hoover Institution and SIEPR

September 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
SCID India Conference
September 27-28, 2012
SCID India Conference:  12th Plan

October 2012
October 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Associates meeting with David Crane, Lecturer in Public Policy

All events are by invitation only

October 17, 2012
Associates meeting with David Crane, Lecturer in Public Policy and George Shultz, Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution and Honorary Chairman, SIEPR discuss the State Budget Crises: Unfortunately You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

October 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
How Much Does Bad Management Contribute to Low GDP in Developing Countries?
October 30, 2012
How Much Does Bad Management Contribute to Low GDP in Developing Countries? Featuring Nick Bloom, Professor of Economics and SIEPR and SCID senior fellow and John Van Reenen Visiting Professor, GSB, Stanford.

November 2012
November 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
Documentary Film Premiere
All events are by invitation only

November 8, 2012
Documentary Film Premiere with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Overdraft—America’s Debt Crisis -View Trailer
By Invitation Only

November 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
State of the West Symposium
November 15, 2012
Annual State of the West Symposium

December 2012
December 2012 Location: 366 Galvez
December 3, 2012
Martin Feldstein will be honored with the second SIEPR Prize