January 2010
January 2010 Location: Stanford Campus
Associates Meeting
Garth Saloner, Dean, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

February 2010
February 2010 Location: Quadrus Conference Center
Associates Meeting
Associates talk given by Mohamed El-Erian, CEO and co-CIO, PIMCO

March 2010
March 2010 Location: Stanford University
Economic Summit 2010
SIEPR Economic Summit featuring Jamie Dimon, CEO and Chairman, JP Morgan Chase and Co. and Lawrence Summers, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.

April 2010
April 2010 Location: Stanford Campus
Associates Meeting
Bengt Holmstrom, is the Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

April 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
The Antitrust & IP Forum: Europe and the US, Policy and Practice
Featured Speaker: Nina Totenberg, NPR Legal Affairs Correspondent
Registration is required. Please respond to Stephanie Carton at Howery LLP, via email at [email protected] or phone at 415.848.3243 by April 1, 2010 if you wish to attend.

April 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
SIEPR Policy Forum on The Future of the Internet
Featured Speaker: Julius Genachowski, FCC chair (via video conference) with Hal Varian, Blair Levin and a host of others. Agenda

May 2010
May 2010 Location: Stanford Campus
SIEPR Prize for Contributions to Economic Policy
SIEPR Prize for Contributions to Economic Policy committee announces Paul Volcker will receive first prize. read more

June 2010
India Conference
Date: June 2010

June 2010 Location: 366 Galvez St.
Associates talk by James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, Wells Capital Management

August 2010
August 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
Summer Institute for High School Teachers
Featuring John Gunn, Chairman, Dodge & Cox Investment Managers.
Behavioral Economics and Other Topics of Interest

Click for Program and Agenda
See Recommended Reading for Conference

September 2010
September 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
Bill Davidow
Bill will talk about his new book Overconnected - The Miracle and Curse of the Internet.

September 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
SIEPR Postdoc Conference

October 2010
October 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
FRESH-Thinking 2.0 Workshop--Health Care Lessons for California's New Governor

October 21, 2010 Location: Quadrus Conference Center 2400 Sand Hill Road
Associates Speaker, James Turley, Chairman and CEO of Ernst and Young.
This event is by invitation only.

October 23, 2010 Location: 366 Galvez Street
Public Policy Brunch
All Public Policy Alumni are welcome.

November 2010
November 4, 2010 Location: San Francisco
November 4, 2010
David Brady, Deputy Director and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and SIEPR Senior Fellow; and Joe Nation, Professor of the Practice in Public Policy, in a special post election event in San Francisco.

November 2010 Location: 366 Galvez St.
November 11, 2010
Getting People Hired:  What’s Working, What Needs to Change?

November 2010 Location: 366 Galvez St.
November 17, 2010
Breakfast discussion on the future of mortgage securities by Robert C. Pozen, chairman emeritus of MFS Investment Management.

December 2010
December 2010 Location: 366 Galvez St.
December 2, 2010

Duncan Neiderauer, CEO NYSE Euronext; Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director, Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson; Kevin Johnson, CEO, Juniper Networks and John Shoven, SIEPR director discuss Renewing the American Dream: the Role of Capital Markets, Innovation and the Entrepreneur in Job Creation

December 2010 Location: John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Building
December 2010 Conference Honoring Lawrence Lau
Conference Honoring Lawrence Lau