October 2011
October 8, 2011 Location: Delhi and Bombay
India Workshop in Delhi and Bombay

SIEPR events are by invitation only

October 8-10, 2011
India Workshop on education in Delhi and Bombay

October 13, 2011 Location: 366 Galvez
Antonio Borges
October 13, 2011
Antonio Borges, Director, European Department, International Monetary Fund will speak to SIEPR Associates about The EuroZone Sovereign Debt Crisis: Lessons and Remedies.

October 2011 Location: CEMEX Auditorium at the Stanford Graduate School of Business
PACS-SIEPR Event with Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
October 27, 2011
Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen will talk about Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World sponsored by the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS), SIEPR, and others.  Doors Open 5:30pm. Program 6:00pm-7:00pm. Be the first to hear the extraordinary leader Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, Stanford PACS founder and Advisory Board chair, and author of the new book Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World during launch week. Jim Canales, President of the Irvine Foundation and Stanford Trustee will be making the special introduction. Laura is a remarkable leader, teacher, speaker, and philanthropist providing important, accessible insights for givers of all ages, interests, or levels, and whether giving time, networks, or expertise. In Giving 2.0, readers go on a fascinating journey through the fast-changing world of giving and read compelling stories of individual philanthropists. This is the Stanford and Silicon Valley main event for the book launch!

RSVP here:

October 27th event co-hosts to date: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2); Silicon Valley Community Foundation; John Hennessy and the Office of the President-Stanford University; Howard Wolf and the Stanford Alumni Association; Stanford Alumni Association- Stanford Club of San Francisco; Lucy Bernholz’ blog; Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith, The Dragonfly Effect,; Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS); Sean Stannard-Stockton’s blog; Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR); John Raisian and The Hoover Institution.
More info >

October 28, 2011 Location: Washington DC
The Next Round of Climate Economics & Policy Research
October 27-28, 2011
A group of outstanding research economists and policy leaders take stock and help provide guidelines for future climate policy in a conference on The Next Round of Climate Economics & Policy Research sponsored by SIEPR and Resources for the Future.  Click here for more information.