Spring Reception
Please join us for the fifth annual
Stanford Patient Advocacy Program Reception scheduled for May 17, 2010, from 5:30 to 7 pm, in M-112.
Each Spring, Patient Advocates and Clinic Partners come together to celebrate accomplishments and recognize excellence. It’s also an opportunity to welcome incoming students into the Patient Advocate community.
At the reception, students present the results of their clinic projects, answer questions, and discuss plans for sustainability of their work. They also present Community Partner Awards to those clinic staff members who have shown exceptional dedication to student mentorship. Dr. Garcia and Ms. Banchoff congratulate graduating students of the program and we all have a hearty snack. It would not be unreasonable to describe this event as a love-fest of the most genuine variety.
Monday, May 17, 2010
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Stanford University School of Medicine
Alway Building, Room M-112
Learn more about the program, see advocates showcase their year-long projects, have a bite to eat, and join us in our deep appreciation for our clinic partners, the guest speakers who have enriched our class, and our generous supporters.
We hope to see you there! Please RSVP to us at by May 11th.
Past reception programs
Spring Reception 2009
Spring Reception 2008
Spring Reception 2007
2009 Community Partnership Award Recipients
- Frances Killebrew, Mayview Community Health Centers
- Gracie Medina, Samaratin House
- Jason Wong, Samaritan House
- Laila Gulzar, Mayview Community Health Centers
- Lumen Medrano, Mayview Community Health Centers
- Margaret Allen, Belle Haven Clinic
- Marlene Martin, Arbor Free Clinic
- Martha Escobedo, Belle Haven Clinic
- Rebecca Pinto, Ravenswood Family Health Centers
- Rehka Reddy, Mayview Community Health Centers
2008 Community Partnership Award Recipients
- Alex Morgan, Arbor Free Clinic
- Andrew Lee, Pacific Free Clinic
- Cely Queiroz, MayView Community Health Centers
- Elvia Torres, Samaritan House
- Iriam Menjivar, MayView Community Health Centers
- Maria Oropeza, Samaritan House
- Rebecca Pinto, Ravenswood Family Health Center
- Silvia Fernandez-Illescas, Pacific Free Clinic
- Tiffany Castillo, Arbor Free Clinic
- Vania Garcia, Belle Haven Clinic
2007 Community Partnership Award Recipients
- Gracie Medina, Samaritan House
- Ian Chua, Pacific Free Clinic
- Janet Hughes, MayView Community Health Centers
- Jason Wong, Samaritan House
- Larry Bruguera, Ravenswood Family Health Center
- Lars Osterberg, Arbor Free Clinic
- Linda Huynh, Pacific Free Clinic
- Margaret Allen, Ravenswood Family Health Center
- Martha Escobedo, Ravenswood Family Health Center
- Shirin Zarafshir, Arbor Free Clinic
- Susana Santana, MayView Community Health Centers