Patient Advocacy Program

Student Leadership

The strengths and successes of The Patient Advocacy Program are rooted in its student leadership. Thanks to seed funding from The Health Trust, the Program has established a structure for ongoing student leadership. The following students collaborate with their peers, clinic partners, and the Program Directors to ensure that The Patient Advocacy Program best serves the clinic and student needs that it was designed to meet.

Course Coordinator

The Course Coordinator oversees the Patient Advocacy Program core course and facilitates the development of a curriculum that supports the roles of Patient Advocates in the clinics.

Program Coordinator

The Program Coordinator is the primary student supervisor for the Patient Advocacy Program who oversees the integration of Stanford’s Patient Advocacy courses (MED 257/8) with students’ volunteer Patient Advocate shifts at partner clinics.

Clinic Site Coordinators

Clinic site coordinators are student leaders in the Patient Advocacy Program who serve as an Advocate’s primary contact for logistical issues or other concerns that may arise during shifts throughout the year. Site coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the program runs smoothly at their respective clinic and for maintaining clear communication between students, clinic staff, and the Program Coordinator.

Health Education Coordinator

The Health Education Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the Patient Advocate Program health eduation and community referral electronic resources are up-to-date and for gauging advocates' need for such information.

2008-2009 Patient Advocates

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