Health Education Materials
Note: Until the "Children's Health" page is finished, materials specific to children's health can be found at the end of the "Exercise and Weight" page as well as embedded within other relevant pages.
Staying Healthy Assessment (SHA) questions:
- Receive health care from anyone besides a medical doctor (such as an acupuncturist, herbalist, curandero, or other healer)?
- See the dentist at least once a year?
- Drink milk or eat yogurt or cheese at least 3 times each day?
- Eat at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables each day?
- Try to limit the amount of fried or fast foods that you eat?
- Exercise or do moderate physical activity such as walking or gardening 5 days a week?
- Think you need to lose or gain weight?
- Often feel sad, down, or hopeless?
- Have friends or family members that smoke in your home?
- Often spend time outdoors without sunscreen or other protection such as a hat or shirt?
- Smoke cigarettes or cigars or use any other kinds of tobacco?
- Use any drugs or medicines to go to sleep, relax, calm down, feel better, or lose weight?
- Often have more than 2 drinks containing alcohol in one day?
- Think you or your partner could be pregnant?
- Think you or your partner could have a sexually transmitted disease?
- Or your partner(s) had sex without using birth control in the last year?
- Or your partner(s) had sex with other people in the past year?
- Or your partner(s) had sex without a condom in the past year?
- Ever been forced or pressured to have sex?
- Ever been hit, slapped, kicked, or physically hurt by someone?
Do you have other questions or concerns about your health?
SHA Follow Up Questions
Do you:
Have you: