Patient Advocacy Program

Community Health Advocacy Program

Undergraduate Service-Learning Opportunities in Community Health

2012-2013 Academic Year


**Due May 14 by 1pm to Courtney Burks**

>> Please see the presentation from our informational session for more details on student requirements, clinic placements and the application process.

>>Eligibility: You must be a current Stanford student to apply.

 * If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Burks at the Office of Community Health.


In the 2011-2012 academic year, together with our clinic partners, we made some exciting changes to the Patient Advocacy Program.  Students are now required to take a pre-requiste course (MED 157: Foundations for Community Health Engagement) before (or concurrently) enrolling in MED 257. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Courtney Burks at the Office of Community Health.

A patient advocate shadowing a doctor in clinic

The Community Health Advocacy Program (formerly called Patient Advocacy) was developed in Fall 2004 to meet intersecting needs in the community and at Stanford University:

  • The need among area clinics for reliable, trained volunteers to enhance patient care
  • The demand among students for substantive clinical and community-based experiences with underserved populations
  • The need to build a diverse and culturally competent healthcare workforce

The program vision is to sustain a reliable corps of trained student volunteers at area free and community clinics with minimal impact on the partner clinics’ resources.

Note: Acceptance to the program is contingent upon a student’s commitment to enroll in the required course and complete the clinic-based program requirements over the subsequent academic year.


Two students presenting poster at reception

Check out our Patient Advocates' views published in local newspapers:

Margaret Hayden

Steve Ko

Jocelyn Ko

The application cycle for the 2012-13 program is now open. Please access the application here.

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