Patient Advocacy Program

Program Application

The application process for the Patient Advocacy Program for the 2010-2011 academic year is now closed.


All Stanford undergraduate and medical students with a strong interest in and commitment to community health are eligible to apply to the Patient Advocacy Program.

Selection Factors

Application Guidelines

If you are interested in applying, these are some important steps to take:  

  1. Attend Informational Session on February 24, 5 pm, in MSOBx303. Program Directors and student participants will be present to answer questions and provide more information about the Program.

  2. Carefully review program description and application materials.

  3. Submit completed application by March 1, 5 pm, to [email protected].

  4. References
    The Patient Advocacy Program requires contact information for two references. These should be professionals who can assess your personal and professional qualities (TA’s, employers, professors, mentors/advisors, etc).

Application Timeline

2/24/10: Program Information Session, 5 pm, in MSOBx303.
3/1/10: Applications due by 5 pm.
3/29/10: Accepted students notified via email.

For questions regarding the application process, please contact [email protected].


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