Faculty Affiliate Research

Eggleston and Tuljapurkar

Aging Asia: The Economic and Social Implications of Rapid Demographic Change in China, Japan, and South Korea
In the past fifty years, two factors have led to global population aging: a decline in fertility to levels close to—or even below—replacement and a decline in mortality that has increased world average life expectancy by nearly 67 percent. As the population skews toward fewer young people and more elderly who live longer postretirement lives, demographic changes—labor force participation, savings, economic growth, living arrangements, marriage markets, and social policy—are transforming society in fundamental, irreversible ways.

Nowhere are these effects of aging and demographic change more acute—nor their long-term effects more potentially significant—than in the Asia-Pacific region. How will these developments impact the economies and social protection systems of Japan, South Korea, China, and, by extension, the United States?

In Aging Asia Center on Longevity faculty affiliates showcase cutting-edge, policy-relevant research including demographic trends and their economic implications, social insurance financing, medical costs, and long-term care. Read more

The Stanford Center for Population Research supports, encourages and facilitates research and training in population studies. It endeavors to bring a diverse group of scientists together for studying the complex processes connected with the size, distribution, and composition of human populations. Core research themes include formal demography, biodemography (including genetics), economic demography, human evolution, cultural and intergenerational processes, and mortality and international health. The center supports collaborations among Stanford researchers in the social and biological sciences that will advance demographic research and foster links and collaborations in population studies between researchers at Stanford and at population centers around the world. This center was formally created in 2008 as an affiliate of the Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS). Faculty director and Center on Longevity affiliate Shripad Tuljapurkar is Morrison Professor of Population Studies and Professor of Biology. Read more