Stanford Center for Population Research


The Stanford Center for Population Research supports, encourages and facilitates research and training in population studies. It endeavors to bring a diverse group of scientists together for studying the complex processes connected with the size, distribution, and composition of human populations.  The Center's core research themes are:

  •  Formal Demography
  •  Biodemography, including genetics and life histories
  •  Economic Demography
  •  Human evolution
  •  Cultural and Intergenerational Processes
  •  Mortality and International Health

The Center offers seed grants to Stanford faculty for demographic research; initiates and supports collaborations among Stanford researchers in the social and biological sciences that will advance demographic research; sponsors colloquia, conferences, workshops, research networks, and special data collections; and fosters links and collaborations in population studies between researchers at Stanford and at population centers around the U.S. and internationally. The Center is an affiliate of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.

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SCPR Updates

Demography of Conflict

The Demography of Conflict is a provocative and growing field, made possible by recent advances in analysis and information. In this symposium leading scholars present case studies assessing individual, population and indirect effects of conflict, and discuss the challenges of data collection, and statistical and demographic analysis. Sponsored by the Stanford Center for Population Research and IRiSS. For details, visit the SCPR website.

Migration as Adaptation Workshop

A three-day workshop from the IRiSS Center on Population Research for demographers, anthropologists, economists, and geographers to develop a methodological toolkit for understanding migration as an adaptation to risk.

Gender Bias in the Past and Future in Asia

“Skewed Sex Ratios” will be the topic of the first seminar of the Gender Bias in Past and Future in Asia series addressing the increasingly unbalanced sex ratio of China’s population.