- 10/17/2012 - Home Health Aides Often As Old As Their Clients
- 10/15/2012 - Baby Boomer Spending Habits: Here's What's Really Hurting Their Retirement
- 10/14/2012 - A Risky Lifeline for the Elderly Is Costing Some Their Homes
- 10/10/2012 - How in the World Will We Care for All the Elderly?
- 10/10/2012 - When Prolonging Death Seems Worse Than Death
- 10/8/2012 - More People Over 65 Are Still Working
- 10/10/2012 - Three Drugs to Be Tested to Stave Off Alzheimer’s
- 10/8/2012 - 9 million elderly at risk of empty pantries
- 10/8/2012 - E-Health Opportunities for Seniors
- 10/6/2012 - Stanford's Roundtable panelists discuss healthy brains and the exciting frontiers of neuroscience
- 10/2/2012 - Vigilance About the Dangers of Delirium
- 10/1/2012 - Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: For Seniors, a Prevention Puzzle Tougher Than Any Sunday Crossword but Clues, Hope Abound
- 9/25/2012 - Accelerated aging seen in AIDS patients
- 9/25/2012 - HIV patients aging prematurely
- 9/25/2012 - Mommy! Four Ways Boomers Are Beating Millennials At The Job Hunt
- 9/24/2012 - The Drama of Aging and Caregiving, on YouTube
- 9/21/2012 - The High Cost of Out-of-Pocket Expenses
- 9/20/2012 - Life Spans Shrink for Least-Educated Whites in the U.S.
- 9/17/2012 - Middle age begins at 55 years, survey suggests
- 9/17/2012 - A Choice of Community Care, in Your Own Home
- 9/15/2012 - How to spot financial crimes against seniors
- 9/15/2012 - The Road to Retirement
- 9/14/2012 - Can Good Stress Improve Your Health?
- 9/12/2012 - Preventing falls in seniors is possible: study
- 9/13/2012 - Boomers vs. Millennials: Who’s Really Getting Robbed?
- 9/11/2012 - Work Out, but Know Your Limits
- 9/6/2012 - With Medicaid, Long-Term Care of Elderly Looms as a Rising Cost
- 9/5/2012 - Bad sleep may predict Alzheimer's, says study
- 9/5/2012 - Long-Term Unemployment: A National Crisis For Older Workers
- 9/5/2012 - The Benefits of Middle-Age Fitness
- 8/30/2012 - Getting Better With Age: Why Seniors Are More Satisfied
- 8/29/2012 - Severe Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys
- 8/28/2012 - Economic Pros and Cons of Longer Life Spans
- 8/27/2012 - Tricks From the Elderly to Stop Worrying
- 8/27/2012 - Retirement poses emotional as well as financial concerns for entrepreneurs
- 8/22/2012 - Possession Paralysis Revisited
- 8/20/2012 - Among Many Aging Americans, Surprising Optimism
- 8/17/2012 - How Do You Want It to End?
- 8/16/2012 - More Older Adults With Multiple Problems
- 8/15/2012 - For Healthy Aging, a Late Act in the Footlights
- 8/13/2012 - Former HUD secretary Henry Cisneros talks about aging in place
- 8/13/2012 - Struggling With an Abusive Aging Parent
- 8/12/2012 - Aging baby boomers face home health care challenge
- 8/7/2012 - Older Americans upbeat about aging, future: survey
- 8/6/2012 - Boomer retirement housing preferences shifting
- 8/6/2012 - The Biggest Retirement Challenges for Women
- 8/5/2012 - Widening Gaps in Life Expectancy Reflect Race, Gender, and Education
- 7/31/2012 - Adult education via iPad targets Boomers
- 7/29/2012 - The Entitled Generation
- 7/27/2012 - Addressing Senior Housing Issues
- 7/27/2012 - The Father Is Child of the Man
- 7/27/2012 - Comparing Medicare and Employer Health Insurance
- 7/25/2012 - More Older People Treated for Depression
- 7/24/2012 - Survey shows Americans worried about retirement
- 7/21/2012 - Our Ridiculous Approach to Retirement
- 7/19/2012 - Who’s Watching Mom?
- 7/19/2012 - Facing Foreclosure After 50
- 7/18/2012 - Survey: Medicare patients happier than those with private coverage
- 7/16/2012 - Forgetful elderly at greater death risk, researchers say
- 7/15/2012 - Thriving Gut Bacteria Linked To Good Health
- 7/13/2012 - Friends of a Certain Age
- 7/12/2012 - With rates low, it pays to delay Social Security
- 7/11/2012 - In Preventing Alzheimer’s, Mutation May Aid Drug Quest
- 7/10/2012 - Consumer group: Elderly, vulnerable losing homes over just few hundred dollars in back taxes
- 7/10/2012 - Q&A;: Stanford economist John Shoven on Social Security
- 7/6/2012 - Older Californians Seek Ways to Age in Their Communities
- 7/4/2012 - The young don't buy into propaganda of war between generations
- 6/29/2012 - Henry Cisneros on Policies to Help California Seniors Age in Place
- 6/26/2012 - Why Baby Boomers are the innovators of the future
- 6/25/2012 - Unafraid of Aging
- 6/25/2012 - Aging: A Collective Response
- 6/23/2012 - Share the Wealth
- 6/22/2012 - Old vs. Young
- 6/18/2012 - Mapping Your End-of-Life Choices
- 6/17/2012 - Vitamin D plus calcium tied to longer life
- 6/15/2012 - U.S. targets financial abuse of elderly
- 6/12/2012 - Common genetic Alzheimer’s risk factor disrupts healthy older women’s brain function, but not men’s
- 6/11/2012 - Senior citizen housing option offers community feel
- 6/9/2012 - Forced to Early Social Security, Unemployed Pay a Steep Price
- 6/7/2012 - Low Interest Rates Crimp Retirement Plans, Survey Finds
- 6/7/2012 - Racial Gap in Life Expectancy at All-Time Low
- 6/4/2012 - It's time to rethink retirement
- 5/29/2012 - Exercise, vitamin D may prevent falls
- 5/25/2012 - Aging Without Children
- 5/23/2012 - Retirees Taking Early Social Security Benefits Hits 35-year low
- 5/20/2012 - Entitlement Reform For the Entitled
- 5/18/2012 - Revived by Music
- 5/15/2012 - Caring For Grandparent Matures A Young Man
- 5/15/2012 - Testing a Drug That May Stop Alzheimer’s Before It Starts
- 5/15/2012 - Clock ticking as Alzheimer’s strategy sets 2025 goal for better ways to treat, stall, disease
- 5/13/2012 - From Public TV, a New Site for 50-Somethings
- 5/10/2012 - 4 Things That Can Hurt Your Quality of Life
- 5/10/2012 - Retiree health care costs rising; many people not preparing
- 5/8/2012 - Long-Term-Care Insurance: Who Needs It?
- 5/7/2012 - Baby Boomers and the Shrinking Work Force
- 5/7/2012 - Study: Nearly Half of Soon-to-be-Retired, High-Net-Worth Americans "Terrified" of Health Care Costs in Retirement
- 5/3/2012 - Study shows short, daily jogs boost longevity
- 5/1/2012 - In the Backyard, Grandma’s New Apartment
- 5/1/2012 - As Portfolios Recover, More Workers Retire At 65
- 4/30/2012 - Americans expect to work longer, retire later
- 4/25/2012 - Aging with Pride: The Call for Boomer Consciousness
- 4/24/2012 - Taking On Dementia With the Experiences of Normal Life
- 4/23/2012 - Preparing For A Future That Includes Aging Parents
- 4/20/2012 - Prime Targets for Scam Artists
- 4/19/2012 - ‘Elderly’ No More
- 4/18/2012 - Mind the Baby Gap
- 4/18/2012 - Where the Oldest Die Now
- 4/17/2012 - One Roof, Three Generations, Many Decisions
- 4/16/2012 - Too Many Pills for Aging Patients
- 4/13/2012 - Reconnecting Through Art
- 4/11/2012 - Your (Virtual) Future Self Wants You To Save Up
- 4/10/2012 - Why Learning Leads to Happiness
- 4/9/2012 - Caregiving as a ‘Roller-Coaster Ride From Hell’
- 4/9/2012 - For the Elderly, Emergency Rooms of Their Own
- 4/8/2012 - Both Parties Wooing Seniors
- 4/5/2012 - G-8 should tackle issues of aging
- 4/5/2012 - Why Won’t They Get Hearing Aids?
- 4/3/2012 - Longevity Up in U.S., but Education Creates Disparity, Study Says
- 4/1/2012 - Senior citizens continue to bear burden of student loans
- 3/28/2012 - Dementia, From the Inside
- 3/26/2012 - Forging Social Connections for Longer Life
- 3/22/2012 - The Hidden Costs of Elderly Inmates
- 3/20/2012 - Aging Myths: 5 Big Misconceptions About Growing Older
- 3/19/2012 - It's Enough To Make A Unicorn Blush: Our Problem With Talking About Sex
- 3/15/2012 - The Challenge for Our (Ripe Old) Age
- 3/11/2012 - Alone in Public Housing, With a Spare Bedroom
- 3/8/2012 - About 800,000 in U.S. have Alzheimer's - live alone
- 3/8/2012 - Aging And Happiness: Why People May Be Happier As They Age
- 3/7/2012 - Prisons Develop Programs For Aging Population
- 3/7/2012 - Baby boomers will be selling their homes, but will their children want to buy them?
- 3/1/2012 - More Americans Rejecting Marriage in 50s and Beyond
- 2/28/2012 - Family Caregiving: A huge and neglected challenge
- 2/24/2012 - Bad Habits? My Future Self Will Deal With That
- 2/27/2012 - Population studies at heart of initiative to improve health
- 2/22/2012 - The “Rocky” RNA: Stanford researchers trigger muscle stem cells to divide
- 2/22/2012 - Scientists trigger muscle stem cells to divide
- 2/20/2012 - Nortin Hadler, author of several books on medical overtreatment, turns his attention to what he calls the medicalization of aging
- 2/17/2012 - Look for new roles for older citizens in an aging America, says Stanford's Laura Carstensen
- 2/16/2012 - Finding Joy in Alzheimer’s
- 2/12/2012 - High calorie intake linked to mild memory loss in elderly
- 2/10/2012 - Cancer drug shows promise in mouse Alzheimer’s study
- 2/5/2012 - The Campaign to Defeat Alzheimer’s
- 2/5/2012 - Green tea drinkers show less disability with age
- 2/2/2012 - Inaugural event for new research center probes how to slow the aging process
- 2/1/2012 - Path Is Found for the Spread of Alzheimer’s
- 1/29/2012 - It’s Not Me, It’s You
- 1/27/2012 - Number of Elderly Inmates Surges
- 1/26/2012 - Millions Now Manage Aging Parents' Care From Afar
- 1/24/2012 - Seniors decide retirement doesn't suit them, keep working
- 1/23/2012 - The Alzheimer’s Reading Room
- 1/22/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond
- 1/19/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond
- 1/18/2012 - How Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay
- 1/17/2012 - US wants effective Alzheimer's treatment by 2025
- 1/12/2012 - Age Discrimination Takes Its Toll
- 1/11/2012 - How Long Until the End?
- 1/10/2012 - Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death
- 1/9/2012 - Advice From Life’s Graying Edge on Finishing With No Regrets
- 1/6/2012 - Study shows memory loss can start as early as 45
- 1/5/2012 - A Community Time Bank
- 1/4/2012 - Use Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials, Says Expert Group
- 1/4/2012 - Pitt stem-cell research slows aging
- 1/2/2012 - Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks
- 1/1/2012 - The Resolution of a Lifetime
Click arrow to see news posts
- 12/29/2011 - The Unspoken Diagnosis: Old Age
- 12/15/2011 - Trusting Someone Over 60
- 12/31/2011 - Aging and Broke, More Lean on Family
- 12/30/2011 - Shrinking brains and 'silent strokes' studied
- 12/14/2011 - Plain Speaking at the End of Life
- 12/14/2011 - Is 80 The New Retirement Age? Many Americans Think So
- 12/6/2011 - Presidency not a death sentence
- 12/2/2011 - Older People Are a Larger Portion of U.S. Population
- 11/29/2011 - Working Into Your 70s: A Smart Retirement Move
- 11/26/2011 - The Death of the Fringe Suburb
- 11/19/2011 - Goodbye, Golden Years
- 11/18/2011 - Older, Suburban and Struggling, ‘Near Poor’ Startle the Census
- 11/17/2011 - Census Bureau Releases Comprehensive Analysis of Fast-Growing 90-and-Older Population
- 11/16/2011 - New, less expensive, technique may help detect -- or rule out -- Alzheimer's
- 11/16/2011 - For Retirement, Is 80 the New 65?
- 11/02/2011 - Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills
- 10/31/2011 - A Nursing Home Shrinks Until It Feels Like a Home
- 10/31/2011 - Happiness Associated With Longer Life
- 10/27/2011 - Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies
- 10/26/2011 - Aging Brain's Decline May Hinge on a Gene
- 10/17/2011 - Early Retirement
- 10/17/2011 - For Older Job Seekers, An Even More Difficult Road
- 10/10/2011 - Forgetfulness at an early age is rarely a sign of early dementia
- 10/10/2011 - New Alzheimer's Drug Shows Early Promise
- 9/29/2011 - Fixing the Third Rail
- 9/26/2011 - Coming Soon: A National Strategy on Alzheimer’s
- 9/21/2011 - Longevity Gene Debate Opens Trans-Atlantic Rift
- 9/16/2011 - The Company You Keep
- 9/12/2011 - For The Dying, A Chance To Rewrite Life
- 9/9/2011 - Older athletes push the limits
- 8/31/2011 - Facebook for Centenarians: Senior Citizens Learn Social Media
- 8/27/2011 - Living to 100 and Beyond
- 8/26/2011 - Grandparents play a bigger role in child-rearing
- 8/25/2011 - Trial-and-error a memory booster for seniors
- 8/22/2011 - How Music May Help Ward Off Hearing Loss As We Age
- 8/05/2011 - A Graying Bay Area
- 8/18/2011 - Longer Lives for Obese Mice, With Hope for Humans of All Sizes
- 8/12/2011 - Tackling the Dangers of Workplace Inactivity
- 8/8/2011 - Intelligence Lost: The Boomers Are Exiting
- 8/5/2011 - A.M. Vitals: Alzheimer’s Research Suggests Early Interventions
- 8/4/2011 - Centenarians Have Plenty of Bad Habits Too
- 7/22/11 - AARP seeks out most affordable places to retire
- 7/21/11 - Hospice Companies Zero In On Nursing Home Patients
- 7/19/11 - Early lapses in memory shed light on Alzheimer's
- 6/28/11 - If baby boomers stay in suburbia, analysts predict cultural shift
- 6/27/11 - The Parkinson's Doctor Will Video Chat With You Now
- 6/24/11 - For AARP, A 'Monumental' Shift On Social Security?
- 6/10/11 - Why Working Longer Won't Close Retirement Shortfalls
- 6/4/11 - Between Young and Old, a Political Collision
- 6/3/11 - Fears, and Opportunities, on the Road to Retirement
Click arrow to see news posts
- 11/8/10 - Global Aging
- 10/27/10 - Stanford study shows getting older leads to emotional stability, happiness
- 10/18/10 - Brain Fitness
- 10/12/10 - Taking Early Retirement May Retire Memory, Too
- 10/12/10 - Does the Brain Retire at Retirement?
- 9/30/10 - Turning 40….is this the decade of wisdom?
- 9/21/10 - Dementia Cost Burns Through 1% of Global GDP, Will Increase
- 9/13/10 - Long Life in the 21st Century
- 9/10/10 - See the Big Picture
- 8/24/10 - Building Homes to Age In
- 8/17/10 - Accentuating the positive
- 8/10/10 - Researchers find that wisdom and happiness increase as people grow older
- 8/4/10 - A Dozen Big Questions About Aging in America
- 6/15/2010 - Stanford hosts sitting risks conference
- 6/18/2010 - Lecture: Long Life in the 21st Century
- 6/8/10 - Book Finds Some Good News about the Aging Brain
- 5/24/10 - Butler and Hodin: Debt and the Demographics of Aging
- 5/19/10 - The Golden Years
- 5/18/10 - How Nifty is 50?
- 5/18/2010 - Daily Stress and Worry Plummet After Age 50
- 5/17/10 - Golden Years Truly Are Golden
- 4/27/10 - How the Brain Benefits with Aging
- 4/19/10 - Looking Forward from the Census
- 3/21/10 - Ready for Life’s Encore Performances
- 2/17/10 - A Long Bright Future
- 2/11/10 - Magazine probes science of living longer
- 2/1/10 - “A Long Bright Future” Cited by Library Journal
- 1/25/10 - Why Baby Boomers Should Rethink Retirement
- 1/15/10 - Live Fully; Retire at 85
Click arrow to see news posts
- 12/14/09 - New Research Predicts Longer Life Expectancy for Americans, Higher Outlays for Medicare and Social Security
- 12/14/09 - Americans may live longer and cost more
- 12/1/09 - Loneliness Is Contagious: 4 Ways to Stay Connected as You Age
- 8/10/09 - Fraud Doesn't Always Happen to Someone Else
- 8/7/09 - People 'get happier as they age'
- 8/7/09 - Except for dementia, even very old people are happier
- 8/6/09 - Mental health, happiness improve with age, studies say
- 7/8/09- Sisters Face Death with Dignity and Reverence
Click arrow to see news posts