- 7/29/10 - New Realities Await U.S. as Boomers Begin to Turn 65
- 6/14/10 - Longevity Center Selected to Explore Music, Memory and Aging Links
- 3/17/10 - Myths and Realities of an Aging Society
- 3/15/10 - Discussion with WISDOM: From Philosophy to Neuroscience author
- 2/1/10 - Library Journal’s Best of 2009 consumer health books includes “A Long Bright Future”
- 5/13/09 - SCL Releases New Findings About Voter Attitudes on Health Care Reform
- 5/5/09 - Cognitive and Brain Experts Urge Consumer Caution on Memory Fitness Products
- 11/21/08 - New MacArthur research network to examine impact of aging society
- 11/12/07 - "Grumpy Old Men No More"
- 11/5/07 - Global Aging: The New New Thing - The Big Picture of Population Change in Asia
- 9/1/07 - The chemical misfire that undermines healing in older people
- 4/29/07 - Older adults react more calmly to the prospect of financial loss
- 3/10/07 - Global Aging Patterns Threaten the Economic Well-Being and Political Stability of Countries Throughout the World
- 10/5/2006 - The Sole of a Breakthrough