Focus Areas

Mind - The prospect of mental decline associated with aging threatens the well-being of individuals and families. Research in the Mind division on early detection of decline, behavioral and biological interventions, and decision aids is aimed at improving cognitive functioning across the life span. The division also offers state-of-the-art information about normal and abnormal aging, and provides statements from the world’s experts about potential remedies.

Mobility - The Mobility division encourages research that promotes lifelong mobility by preventing or reducing barriers to physical movement. The Center places special emphasis on the promotion, development and translation of Stanford expertise and technologies (such as devices, drugs, biologics and behavior) that encourage or restore physical movement.

Financial Security - Personal saving rates declined from the mid-1980s through 2008, even while life expectancy and number of years in retirement continued to increase. The Financial Security division supports research on products, technologies, and financial education that will help people better plan, save for their futures and guard against financial fraud.

Politics, Scholars & the Public - The Politics, Scholars and the Public program aims to inform policy decisions that impact longevity with empirical findings and research-driven proposals. The program brings together political experts, scholars and voters in a search for sensible solutions to current societal challenges. Work to date has focused on health care issues facing the United States, and on the issues facing individuals and communities as greater numbers of Americans “age in place.”

Global Aging - The Global Aging program focuses on the economic and political implications of population aging around the world as people live longer and have fewer children. Large variations in the timing and pace of fertility declines and longevity gains create dramatic differences across countries. Understanding these developments and trends is critical for addressing them wisely. Through its research and publications, the program stimulates public discourse on the challenges and opportunities associated with population aging.