About the Global Aging Program

The Global Aging Program at the Stanford Center on Longevity focuses on economic and political implications of population age shifts around the world. The program’s goals are to initiate collaborative research and to stimulate public discourse, and eventual action, on the challenges and opportunities associated with population aging, particularly those associated with global economics, US national security, and social well-being. The program sees the phenomenon of “global aging” as one of four global forces, along with globalization, technological innovation, and global climate change, which are shaping our world.

Population age shifts are occurring everywhere. There is a shift towards older age brackets in almost every country as people live longer and have fewer children. Although population aging is a global phenomenon, large variations in the timing and pace of fertility declines and longevity gains create dramatic differences across countries. Because these demographic developments and their divergent patterns have significant implications for economic growth and political stability, understanding how they are likely to unfold is critical for addressing them wisely.

The Global Aging Program targets a primary audience of public policy makers, business leaders, and other community leaders to convince them that understanding population age shifts will enable them to better navigate the future, avoid negative consequences of demographic shifts, and take advantage of the opportunities for our economy, our national security, and our well-being.

More about the Global Aging Program:

Events and Projects

The Implications of Global Aging & Population Trends: Economic Prosperity, National Security, and Social Well-Being

Contact information and Global Aging Program Staff