A multidisciplinary science of decision making across the lifespan
Unprecedented demographics changes are on the horizon that will drastically and rapidly increase the relative number of older adults across the globe. A larger proportion of older decision makers in the population will have tremendous economic and social impact. Anticipating and addressing these historically unprecendented changes most effectively will require an increase in scientific research on decision making across the life span using radically new and integrative approaches.
Decision neuroscience is an emerging field that aims to integrate economics, finance, marketing, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and public policy (among other fields) to study decision making through team-based, multidisciplinary research. Although this field has only recently developed, the combination of methods and expertise has already produced high-impact basic research with translational implications.
Using the decision neuroscience approach as a model, the Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging will focus generally on combining multiple scientific disciplines for the study of decision making across the life course, but will also focus on expanding the scope of research in this area for studying not only financial decisions but also health-related and social decision making across adulthood. The network will focus on growth, development, and sustainability through scientific meetings, conferences, methods workshops, and small grant competitions.
The integrative decision neuroscience approach has tremendous potential for scientific and societal impact. We are currently at a unique moment in human history where demographic changes are and will continue to drastically alter the profile of decision makers in the global population. To the extent that this emerging field can respond to the immediate demand for integrative and translational research, scientists have the potential to make major contributions to improving the well being of humans across the life span.
The networks directors include:
Gregory Samanez-Larkin, PhD
Psychological Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Laura L. Carstensen, PhD
Psychology, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Center on Longevity
Samuel McClure, PhD
Psychology and Neuroscience, Stanford University
David Laibson, PhD
Economics, Harvard University
Camelia Kuhnen, PhD
Finance, Northwestern University