SEED will spur and diffuse research that entrepreneurs, managers, and decision makers can use to:
- Strengthen Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Scale Existing Enterprises
- Stimulate Innovations That Enable Economic Opportunities
To encourage research in these areas SEED will foster and support (e.g., by providing grants and in-country research infrastructure) a broad interdisciplinary research network of world-class scholars.
SEED's research agenda will be guided by three fundamental principles:
Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Research on innovations in developing economies is best conducted using a multi-disciplinary approach. Therefore, it is critical to build and support a strong interdisciplinary research network.
Tightly Linked to SEED's In-Country Work
SEED research will be tightly linked to our in-country work. This local context will provide potential research ideas and problem definitions, partnerships for research execution, data collection, feedback and evaluation opportunities, and a setting for potential implementation.
Educational in Nature
As part of Stanford University, SEED research is educational in nature. We are educating both undergraduate and graduate level Stanford students and a broad public audience as research findings will be widely disseminated for educational purposes.