December 4, 2009 - CISAC, FSI Stanford News
Scott Sagan honored for 'Outstanding Contribution to Nonproliferation Education'
On Thursday, Dec. 3, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, a research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Ca., presented Scott Sagan an award for his "Outstanding Contribution to Nonproliferation Education" at the center's 20th anniversary conference. Mukhatzhanova described Sagan as "truly one of the rock stars of our field."
The text of Mukhatzhanova's remarks follows:
"There are different kinds of distinguished people within the nonproliferation and disarmament community: some commit to government work and excel at policy making; others become career diplomats and negotiate treaties to advance international peace and security, and then there are those who devote themselves to academia and teaching.
"While we admire the work of policymakers and diplomats, it is the last category - the educators - who influence most directly the younger generations of specialists. Through their articles, their classes, and advising, they play a great role in shaping the future of disarmament and nonproliferation. This award honors an outstanding educator.
"Each of us became involved in this field for different reasons, and was affected by various works. But for me personally, the fascination and love of the subject began with the three models in search of a bomb. (You probably now know who I'm talking about.) I was lucky to subsequently meet our award recipient, have him review my paper, and even work with him on the same book project. I knew I reached a certain milestone in my career when he said I could call him Scott.
With almost 25 years of teaching experience, having taught 16 different courses and chaired eight PhD dissertation committees (that's not to mention his head-spinning list of publications), he is truly one of the rock stars of our field. And you can tell that he is a teacher when at a busy conference full of big shots, you'll find him talking to younger people, discussing their papers, their research interests and their plans.
Dr. Sagan, we, the new generation, greatly appreciate your advice and attention. And we cheer for you in the debate on the spread of nuclear weapons and the no-first-use policy.
So today, it is my honor to present the CNS Award for Outstanding Contribution to Nonproliferation Education to Dr. Scott Sagan, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation."
Topics: International Security and Defense