Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University


Photo of Scott Sagan

Scott D. Sagan, PhD   Download vCard
Caroline S.G. Munro Professor of Political Science; FSI and CISAC Senior Fellow

Stanford University
Encina Hall, E217
Stanford, CA 94305-6165

[email protected]
(650) 725-2715 (voice)
(650) 724-5683 (fax)

Research Interests
development of norms concerning the use of force; the management of hazardous technology; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and South Asia

+PDF+ Scott Sagan's Curriculum Vitae (98.6KB, modified February 2013)

Scott D. Sagan is the Caroline S.G. Munro Professor of Political Science at Stanford University, and a Senior Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and the Freeman Spogli Institute. He also serves as the co-chair of the American Academy of Arts and Science's Global Nuclear Future Initiative. Before joining the Stanford faculty, Sagan was a lecturer in the Department of Government at Harvard University and served as a special assistant to the director of the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. He has served as a consultant to the office of the Secretary of Defense and at the Sandia National Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. 

Sagan is the author of Moving Targets: Nuclear Strategy and National Security (Princeton University Press, 1989), The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons (Princeton University Press, 1993), and with co-author Kenneth N. Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: An Enduring Debate (W.W. Norton, 2012). He is the co-editor with Peter R. Lavoy and James L. Wirtz of Planning the Unthinkable (Cornell University Press, 2000), the editor of Inside Nuclear South Asia (Stanford University Press, 2009), and co-editor with Steven E. Miller of a two-volume special issue of Daedalus, On the Global Nuclear Future (Fall 2009 and Winter 2010). His recent publications include, with Daryl G. Press and Benjamin A. Valentino, “Atomic Aversion: Experimental Evidence on Taboos, Traditions, and the Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons” forthcoming in the American Political Science Review, and “A Call for Global Nuclear Disarmament” in Nature (July 2012). In addition, he co-edited with Jane Vaynman a special issue of The Nonproliferation Review (March 2011) on the international impact of the 2010 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review, also co-authoring the introduction and conclusion articles.  

Sagan has also won five teaching awards: the International Studies Association's Distinguished Scholar in International Security Studies in 2013; the Monterey Institute for International Studies’ Nonproliferation Education Award in 2009; the International Studies Association’s 2008 Innovative Teaching Award; Stanford University’s 1998-99 Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching; and Stanford's 1996 Hoagland Prize for Undergraduate Teaching.

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Political Science


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News around the web

First Person: Scott Sagan, Nuclear Disarmament Expert
Scott Sagan, nuclear disarmament expert, Senior Fellow at CISAC and Stanford professor of political science, talks with Lisa Van Dusen in the fall of 2012 about his life-long career in academic research, teaching and policy devoted to disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation.
January 20, 2013 in Palo Alto Online

Nuclear investigations
Could you justify the use of nuclear weapons against the enemy? For Stanford political science professor Scott Sagan, the answer is simple–no.
April 3, 2012 in The Stanford Daily

5-minute Lowy lunch: Nuclear genie
Leading nuclear expert Professor Scott Sagan, from Stanford University, gave lectures and interviews around Australia during his visit last week, and on Thursday he was at the Lowy Institute in Sydney to take part in a panel discussion about nuclear power and nuclear proliferation.
December 6, 2011 in Lowy Interpreter

Why We Won't Use the Bomb
The choice by United States leaders to not use nuclear weapons in conflict—we haven't dropped a nuke since 1945—may have more to do with public attitude than with militaristic decisions, according to Stanford political science professor Scott Sagan.
November 7, 2011 in

VIDEO: US Strategic Nuclear Policy: A Video History, 1945-2004
Sandia Labs historical video documents history of U.S. strategic nuclear policy. [...] Interviewed were university researchers including Stanford University professors Lynn Eden, Scott Sagan, and David Holloway, University of Pittsburgh professor Janne Nolan, University of Wisconsin professor Paul Boyer, and the late ...
October 12, 2011 in Center for Research on Globalization

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