The following is a collection of commentary about members (current or former) of CISAC found on various external, unaffiliated websites via an automated process:
April 3, 2012
Nuclear investigations
Mention of Scott Sagan via The Stanford DailyCould you justify the use of nuclear weapons against the enemy? For Stanford political science professor Scott Sagan, the answer is simple–no. Read more »
March 22, 2012
Scientist: North Korea likely has more nuclear facilities
Mention of Siegfried Hecker via CNN InternationalSiegfried Hecker of Stanford University told CNN his conclusion is based on his study of recent satellite images and other research, and what he saw when he was invited by North Korea to visit its Yongbyon nuclear power plant in 2010 to see its secret uranium enrichment program. Read more »
March 21, 2012
US expert: N.Korea shouldn`t be allowed to test missiles
Mention of Siegfried Hecker via The Dong-A IlboA leading American nuclear weapons expert said Wednesday that North Korea should no longer be allowed to launch missiles, conduct additional nuclear tests, or develop centrifuges. Read more »
Hecker: More Certain NK Has More Uranium
Mention of Siegfried Hecker via Wall Street Journal (blog)The American scientist to whom North Korea decided in 2010 to reveal its uranium enrichment program, Siegfried Hecker, says he's become more persuaded since that time that he didn't see all of it. Read more »
February 29, 2012
North Korea suspends nuclear testing
Mention of Siegfried Hecker via Nature.comSig Hecker, a metallurgist at Stanford University in California, saw 2000 centrifuges during an informal visit he made to the site in 2010, but international inspectors have never officially had access to the facility. This isn't the first time that ... Read more »
January 26, 2012
North Korea's new nuclear plant a safety worry: expert
Mention of Siegfried Hecker via Chicago TribuneSiegfried Hecker, who has visited the North's main Yongbyon nuclear facility four times since 2004 and was the last foreign expert to visit the site in late 2010, said he was very concerned the reactor could be technically flawed. Read more »
January 19, 2012
The Way China Copes With Its Economic Challenges Will Have an Impact on Us All
Mention of Thomas Fingar via Jakarta GlobeThomas Fingar: "For the past two decades China has been a poster child of successful globalization, integrating with the world and in the process lifting millions of citizens out of poverty. But China’s integration into the world economy and global trends drive and constrain Beijing’s ability to manage growing social, economic and political challenges." Read more »
January 17, 2012
Time to Attack Iran (Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option)
Mention of Matthew Kroenig via Foreign AffairsMatthew Kroenig: "In early October, U.S. officials accused Iranian operatives of planning to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States on American soil. Iran denied the charges, but the episode has already managed to increase tensions between Washington and Tehran. Although the Obama administration has not publicly..." Read more »
The Flawed Logic of Striking Iran
Mention of Alexandre Debs via Foreign AffairsAlexandre Debs, Nuno P. Monteiro: "Matthew Kroenig's argument for preventive military action to combat Tehran's nuclear program -- 'Time to Attack Iran' -- suffers from three problems." Read more »
January 10, 2012
Examining Iranian And North Korean Nuclear Threats
Mention of Philip Taubman via Huffington Post (blog)Philip Taubman:"I recently asked my Stanford colleague Sig Hecker, one of the scholars who visited the enrichment plant in 2010, to outline what to watch for in the North Korean weapons program in coming weeks to determine if the new leadership is planning any change ..." Read more »