Mentor Program

Alumni Volunteers Needed - Locally and Internationally

  • Share your experience and perspective with a current GSB student
  • Offer insight and advice on career development, work/life balance, and other matters
  • Explore shared interests

The Alumni/Student Mentor Program is open to all of our alumni around the world. We had over 400 alums sign up for the program last year and hope to include many more as the program continues to expand globally. We are very excited about this, and we look forward to another successful year.

Registration for this year's program is now closed.

If you are interested in participating next year, make sure your email is up-to-date in the alumni directory so you will receive notice in October when sign-ups are available for the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact Lisa Kohara, 650-725-2471.

2011 -“ 2012 Timeline

  • Week of September 12 - Applications are sent to all alumni
  • October 28 - Alumni applications are due
  • November 3 - Students will attend the CMC sponsored "Career Summit", in order to find out how to apply for the program
  • November 9 - Student Applications are due
  • Week of November 21 - Matches will be announced via email
  • December 3 - Kickoff Brunch (Vidalakis Dining Room, Schwab Residential Center)*
  • Following Year's Timeline - will be available in August 2012

*Please note that the Kickoff Brunch will be taking place earlier in the school year, than in years past. Mark your calendars now!

How the Program Works

The Alumni Mentor Program brings students and alumni together in a mutually beneficial partnership. It allows current students to explore different industries, functional areas, career paths, and personal goals; it also allows alums to play a vital role in student life at the GSB.

GSB alums are paired with current students based on career and personal interests, as well as geographic preference. During the year there are three planned events, beginning with a Kickoff Brunch in the fall to which students invite their mentors. The rest is up to you!

Note: Current students registration will be available in November.

Success Stories

From Recent Participants

  • "I formed a new friendship and was able to provide a little perspective on things for my mentee." - Alum
  • "My mentor was able to offer me perspective and advice that allowed me to make some important decisions regarding my summer and post-graduation careers. In addition to that, she's a delightful person who has been a pleasure to meet and know." -MBA2
  • "The mentor program is a wonderful idea. I wish there had been one when I was a student." - Alum
  • "The program is worthwhile if students are ready to invest energy in it. The student I had really did invest in it and got a lot in return. I invited him to conferences, to sit in on meetings, and to submit his business plan for critiquing." - Alum

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will I find out my match?
    Matches will be emailed to all participants the week of November 21.
  • What is expected of me, as a mentor?
    The role of the mentor is to provide advice and perspective about his/her industry function. Make time to meet with your mentee periodically, either in person or via phone or email, and try to get to know one another. Where appropriate, arrange for your mentee to visit your workplace or participate in professional activities, such as conferences.
  • What is expected of the student, as a mentee?
    It is the student's responsibility to help define the relationship between you both, starting with contacting their mentor for the first meeting. Be proactive in cultivating the mentor relationship - you get out of it what you put in. While matches are based in part on career interests; this is just a starting point; the program is not intended for job placement.
  • What have been characteristics of "successful" student-alumni
    mentor relationships?
    1. Regular communication, developing a personal relationship
    2. Mentors inviting mentees to professional meetings or functions
    3. Mentees inviting mentors to GSB event

This is a simple, yet wonderful, opportunity to stay involved with the GSB and to meet some outstanding members of the current classes. If you have questions about this program note addressed on this page, please contact Student Programs in the Alumni Relations Office at +1-650-725-2471.

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  • Questions? Contact Student Programs in the Alumni Relations Office at +1-650-725-2471.