Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the role of a Stanford University trustee?
As a member of the Board of Trustees, a trustee shares responsibility for setting the direction of the University, ensuring Stanford's continued well-being and working to sustain its foundation of excellence.
Learn more about the alumni-nominated trustees �
Learn more about the trustees �
2. What criteria must an alumni applicant satisfy in order to become a trustee?
The successful candidate will meet all eligibility requirements and many—if not all—desired qualifications.
Learn more about eligibility and qualifications �
3. What is the time commitment for a Stanford trustee?
The Board of Trustees meets five times per academic year (additional special sessions may be called). Preparation for each trustee meeting involves two to six hours of reading (materials are mailed 12 days before each meeting). 100% attendance at all board meetings is mandatory.
Current trustees report spending a substantial amount of time and travel - a minimum of twenty days per year - engaged in trustee responsibilities (meetings, committee work, task forces, fundraising, preparation and university events). Trustees serve on board committees (along with students and faculty representatives) and may be asked to serve on school or departmental committees or panels. Trustees may also be asked to represent Stanford on an ad hoc basis, and are encouraged to participate in alumni and development activities when needed.
4. Does the University reimburse Board members for travel expenses?
The expectation is that trustees pay for their expenses incurred while participating on the board. In rare cases exceptions are made.
5. What is the timeline for the selection process?
The three-round selection process began in March 2012 and concludes in February 2013. Applications were accepted through April 30, 2012. New trustees will be announced in February 2013. Five-year terms begin in March 2013.
6. Who reviews the application?
Stanford's Alumni Committee on Trustee Nominations (ACTN) reviews the application. The committee consists of nine dedicated alumni volunteers acting on behalf of the University and the Board of Trustees.
7. If I choose not to apply now, will I have another opportunity in the future?
Yes. The alumni process for choosing trustees repeats every two-and-a-half years. The next cycle is scheduled to occur in 2014.
8. Are current Stanford faculty, staff, and students eligible to join the Board of Trustees?
No, current faculty, staff and students are not eligible.
9. Who received the March 1st email invitation to apply to join the Board of Trustees?
In an effort to ensure that all Stanford alumni are aware of the process, all alumni with valid email addresses received this email.
10. How can I refer a classmate or colleague to the alumni nomination process?
The deadline for referring a qualified alumnus/a was April 23, 2012. Referrals are no longer being accepted.
11. Whom should I contact with questions?
Please email [email protected]
See our FAQ
or contact us at
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