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About the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is custodian of the endowment and all properties of Stanford University. The board administers the invested funds, sets the annual budget and determines policies for operation and control of the University. Additionally, the board has the power to appoint the president of the University and employ faculty.

In a typical year, the board may make decisions on issues such as strategic allocation of resources, land use, academic programs, housing and other facility planning, regulatory responsibilities, federal and public support of education, community relations, minority affairs, audit and financial controls, and fundraising planning.

Together, trustees set the direction of the University, ensure Stanford's continued well-being and work to sustain its foundation of excellence.

Learn about current alumni-nominated trustees �


  • The board meets five times per academic year (additional special sessions may be called).
  • Preparation for each trustee meeting involves two to six hours of reading (materials are mailed 12 days before each meeting).
  • Trustees serve on board committees (along with students and faculty representatives) and may be asked to serve on school or departmental committees or panels.
  • Trustees may be asked to represent Stanford on an ad hoc basis, and are encouraged to participate in alumni and development activities when needed.
  • By law, trustees are responsible for all University decisions carried out in their name.
  • Trustees must have a serious commitment to, and interest in, the work of the University.

More about trustee qualifications �


  • Board membership is limited to 35 trustees.
  • Each trustee serves an overlapping five-year term.
  • Four new trustees are chosen through the alumni process every two-and-a-half years.
  • Trustees selected in this upcoming cycle will commence five-year terms on March 1, 2013.

See the list of current trustees �


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