SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

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Safety and Security Overview | Proposal Safety Review | Safety Training | Feedback

Safety and Security Overview

Each person who works at LCLS is required to be familiar with and identify in advance the hazards associated with his/her work, the hazards associated with work areas, and to properly implement all necessary procedures and protocols for mitigation of those hazards. Each person is required to observe all federal, state, local and SLAC/LCLS workplace safety regulations as well as Integrated Safety & Environmental Management System (ISEMS) and Work Planning and Control (WPC).

The SLAC Security Gate 17 is only open Monday-Friday 6 am-10 pm. During other hours, pedestrians can enter through the turnstile at Gate 17. If this turnstile is not working, please try the alternate turnstile at Gate 16A beside the SSRL building 137. The other alternative is to drive to Sector 30 Gate (open 24 hours) and around the PEP Ring Road to reach SSRL or LCLS. Exercise caution as this road has limited lighting, signage, and shoulders—and deer are frequently seen in this area. If you have problems or need assistance, contact Security at 650-926-2551. For EMERGENCIES, CALL 911 OR 5555

Proposal Safety Review

A series of safety related questions are incorporated into the proposal and experiment safety process. Please answer these questions and provide additional information as appropriate. When appropriate, the LCLS Safety Office will contact you and coordinate specific training and controls to mitigate potential safety issues associated with your proposed experiment. Contact Ian Evans to discuss all safety issues related to user proposals or scheduled experiments.

Safety Training

SkillSoft is not supporting Firefox on the Mac. It only supports Safari on the Mac. Unpredictable behavior can be experienced with the version 3 series of Firefox and Safari on SkillSoft (Mac and PC). Courses may appear to perform normally but the final scores are not always posting. Please check your 'My Progress' link on the left hand side of your SkillSoft home page to verify that your training has been recorded. If possible, we recommend you use Internet Explorer on a Windows computer until we can verify this problem has been rectified. Please notify ESH Training if you encounter this problem.

Courses are web based and should be completed before your arrival. Log in to, enter you system ID# (we will provide this after you register through the User Portal) and the password "slac2005". When the course is completed, credit for completing the course will be downloaded into the SLAC training database. There is a test at the end of each course, and a passing grade of 80% or better is required to receive credit.

Important notice if you are returning for refresher training!

If you are returning to a course for REFRESHER training, after you start the course you will see a pop up window with three buttons that looks like this. Click the RESTART button to insure you receive course credit.

Click here to Launch SkillSoft Training Portal:

Contact the User Research Administration for more details on the training and check in procedures.


Feedback is an important part of the Integrated Safety & Environmental Management System (ISEMS). Users are required to complete an end of run summary after each scheduled experiment. The feedback provided by users will be used to address issues raised by users and to continually improve user resources and support. User feedback will be shared with LCLS safety office, management and scientific advisory committees. Users are also encouraged to contact the Users' Organization Executive Committee to share their suggestions or concerns. Complete end of run summary through the user portal.

SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Stanford University