Welcome to the LCLS User Resources Site
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The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) encourages scientists from diverse fields to submit proposals for experiments that utilize the LCLS's unique capabilities. Interested scientists are encouraged to learn more about the latest developments by contacting LCLS staff scientists and by reviewing the instrument descriptions.
- Step-By-Step Instructions to Working at LCLS
- Review LCLS Policies
- Review Machine FAQ & Parameters
- Register and Submit Proposals
- Confirm User Agreement
- Reserve Accommodations
- Complete Safety Training
- Request Computer Account
- Establish User Account
- Ship Samples/Equipment
- Review Check-in Procedures
- Provide Feedback
- Inform us of Publications
- Participate in LCLS Users' Organization
LCLS Instruments and Beam Lines | Status |
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science (AMO) | In Operation |
Beam Line for Soft X-ray Science (SXR) | In Operation |
X-ray Pump Probe (XPP) | In Operation |
Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) | In Operation |
X-ray Correlation Spectroscopy (XCS) | In Operation |
Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) | Commissioning began in December 2011 and will continue in 2012 |
We have demonstrated FEL operations over the energy range 480 eV to 10 keV using the fundamental with pulse energies of 1-3 mJ depending on the pulse duration. Third harmonic radiation is available up to 25 keV at about 1% of the fundamental pulse energy. The pulse length can be varied from 40 fs to 300 fs for hard X-rays, while for soft X-rays the range is extended to 500 fs. Shorter pulses, <10 fs, with a reduced number of photons per pulse can also be provided. The maximum repetition rate of the LCLS is 120 Hz.
The next LCLS deadline to submit proposals is January 15, 2013 (proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. local time). Contact staff or click on the various instruments above to learn more about the capabilities, beam characteristics, operating parameters, and frequently asked questions.
Instruments Included in Call for Proposals | Proposal Deadline |
AMO, SXR, XPP, CXI, XCS, MEC | January 15, 2013 |
Proposals, safety training, user registration and user check-in are centralized to ensure prompt and efficient service to our users. A call for proposals will be solicited twice per year, and a successful proposal will be eligible to receive beam time about 9 months after being submitted.
Prior to arrival at LCLS, users are required to register as a new user or update their contact information through the User Portal. See step-by-step instructions above and links related to information for foreign users and logistics
We look forward to working with you and to highlighting your research through our website and newsletter.