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An Office of Science User Facility

LCLS Machine Real-time Status


The general beam parameters are listed below.

Instrument Photon Energy Rate Charge
AMO 0.250-2 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC
SXR 0.250-2 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC
XPP 5-9.5 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC
XCS 5-9.5 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC
CXI 5-9.5 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC
MEC 5-9.5 keV 120Hz 20,40,80,150 or 250pC

Please see the LCLS Schedule for more information.

During operations, these images are snapshots of the control room LCLS Summary Display taken every five minutes. The display runs from midnight to midnight with the current time marked by a cyan vertical line. Click on one of the thumbnail images to see its enlarged status image below.


Electron Systems

Photon Systems



SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Dept. of Energy