DOE | Stanford | SLAC | SSRL | LCLS | AD | PPA | Photon Science | PULSE | SIMES
AMO Home | Overview | Specifications | Schematic | Components | End Stations | Feasbility Questions | Publications
This instrument will enable the study of the interaction between the extremely intense LCLS X-ray pulses and the basic constituents of matter: atoms and molecules.
CXI Home | Overview | Specifications | Schematic | Components | Drawings | Pictures |Publications |User Resources
This instrument will take advantage of the extremely bright, ultrashort LCLS pulses of hard X-rays to allow imaging of non-periodic nanoscale objects, including single or small clusters of biomolecules at or near atomic resolution.
MEC Home | Overview | Specifications | Schematic | Components | Feasbility Questions | Publications | User Resources
This instrument observes matter at temperatures exceeding 10,000 Kelvin and at pressures 10 million times the earth's atmospheric pressure at sea-level, enabling unprecedented understanding of exotic states of matter.
MFX Home | Overview | Specifications
This instrument will primarily make use of the ability for short pulses of X-rays to limit damage to samples during the exposure. This will allow for example the study of metal-containing macromolecules which are particularly sensitive to radiation damage due to the high absorption of X-rays by the metal atoms.
SXR Home | Overview | Specifications | Schematic | Beamline Components | End Stations | Feasbility Questions | Publications | Documents
This instrument will enable the high brightness and timing capability of the LCLS to be applied to scattering and imaging experiments that require the use of soft X-rays.
XCS Home | Overview | Operation Modes | Specifications | Schematics | Components| Feasbility Questions | Publications
This instrument will observe dynamical changes of large groups of atoms in condensed matter systems over a wide range of time scales.
XPP Home | Overview | Specifications | Schematic | Components | Feasbility Questions | Publications | User Resources
This instrument will predominantly use a fast optical laser to generate transient states of matter, and the hard X-ray pulse from the LCLS to probe the structural dynamics initiated by the laser excitation.
View Map
The instrument map illustrates the physical location of each instrument within the LCLS and provides helpful information about each instrument.