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An Office of Science User Facility

The MEC instrument

The LCLS beam with its high peak brightness, short pulse duration, and tunable X-ray photon energy provides revolutionary capabilities to study the transient behavior of matter in extreme conditions. The particular strength of the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) instrument is to combine the unique LCLS beam with high power optical laser beams, and a suite of dedicated diagnostics tailored for this field of science (including an X-ray Thomson scattering spectrometer, an XUV spectrometer, a Fourier domain interferometer, and a VISAR system). While the large vacuum target chamber makes the endstation very versatile, it has been designed to service key scientific areas including Warm Dense Matter physics, high pressure studies, shock physics, and high energy density physics.

MEC instrument paper

MEC Location

Far Experimental Hall (FEH), Hutch 6 » map
The MEC is located within the LCLS Far Hall, in Hutch 6.
MEC Contact Information
Name: Andy Mackinnon
Title: MEC Dept Head
Phone: (650) 926-2041
Email: [email protected]

Name: Hae Ja Lee
Title: MEC Instrument Scientist
Phone: (650) 926-2049
Email: [email protected]

Name: Bob Nagler
Title: MEC Instrument Scientist
Phone: (650) 926-3810
Email: [email protected]

Name: Eric Galtier
Title: MEC Instrument Scientist
Phone: (650) 926-6227
Email: [email protected]

Name: Ruben D. Curiel
Title: MEC Area Manager
Phone: (650) 926-2662
Email: [email protected]

MEC Control Room: Phone 7970
MEC Hutch: Phone 7974
MEC Vestibule: Phone 7976

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MEC Instrument Image

SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Dept. of Energy