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  Home / Research Admin. Offices / Sponsored Research / Award Initiation & PTA Setup / PTA Setup

PTA Setup
[Project - Task - Award]

The Office of Sponsored Research sets up different types of PTAs based on project needs and the terms & conditions of the award. OSR understands the importance and urgency of setting up a PTA to begin the research and strives to do so within 4 business days after receiving all documents to complete the transaction. If the award includes a cost sharing commitment, a cost sharing PTA must be opened. The cost sharing Task and Award must be guaranteed with an unrestricted a ward .

The research administrator can expedite the process by insuring all internal requirements noted on the PDRF have been completed. It is essential that all protocols (human/animal subjects, training, etc.) be approved before an award can be processed.

If the budget has been significantly modified the research administrator should provide OSR with a revised budget.


The ePTA system facilitates the creation of a new project, task and award (PTA) electronically via the internet and e-mail. ePTA is self-contained and will capture all the information required for the opening of a new PTA in the Oracle Financials system without paper forms.

ePTA also allows OSR staff to manage and monitor the set-up process of new awards with various work queues to view and access the PTA records as they proceed to set-up into Oracle Financials.

Changes to existing PTA’s in Oracle Financials, such as incremental funding, modifications, and amendments, are processed through PTA paper forms. These forms are available below.

To learn more about the ePTA system please refer to the ePTA Setup Information. Once you have requested an ePTA, you will be given access to the system and instructions on its use.

Starting June 25, 2012: For general PTA setup questions or status inquiries, please contact the Financial Support Center at [email protected] or 650-723-2772. You may also visit their website for more information.


PTA Setup Forms (details of each form are listed below):

OSR Forms 35-39 were updated 8/2007 to give departments a choice have their expenditure statements printed or not.

  1. Stanford Sponsored Research Project PTA Setup Form, OSR Form 35
  2. Early PTA Request Form, OSR Form 38 updated 2/9/12
  3. Extended PTA Request Form, OSR Form 40 updated 2/9/12
  4. OSR Cost Sharing Request Form, OSR Form 37
  5. Fellowships, OSR Form 36
  6. University Research PTA Request Form, OSR Form 39
  7. Request for Expenditure Allocation PTA
  8. Non-Sponsored Research PTA Forms Links
  9. Requesting Mass Changes to PTAs

Stanford Sponsored Research Project PTA Setup Form,
OSR Form 35

This document defines those attributes associated with adding or modifying existing sponsored projects, tasks, and awards in Oracle Financials that need to be specified by a school (or Independent Lab) and/or administering department. The representative is then asked to complete the PTA setup form and return it to OSR staff, who will in turn add or modify the PTA(s) that will be used for that sponsored project. PTA setups require many data elements not shown on this form; the remaining data values are entered directly by OSR account setup staff based on university business standards and award documentation. This form should be used for all sponsored projects accounts except:

Early PTA Request Form, OSR Form 38

If you are requesting the establishment of a new PTA for a sponsored project in advance of the anticipated official award start date (usually no more than 90 days), or for a PTA to be established in advance of the arrival of award documentation, please use this form rather than the Standard OSR PTA Setup Form 35.

Extended PTA Request Form, OSR Form 40

If you are requesting the extension of an existing PTA on a sponsored project, use this form rather than the previous OSR PTA Setup Form 38.

OSR Cost Sharing Request Form, OSR Form 37

Please use this form rather than a Standard OSR PTA Setup Form 35 if you are requesting a task and award to be setup specifically for cost-sharing. This form will enable setup for the cost-sharing component of a project only; the sponsored project itself must still be established using a Standard Form 35.

Fellowships, OSR Form 36

Please use this form rather than an OSR Standard PTA Setup Form 35 if the project is a fellowship. If you are not certain whether your project is a fellowship or a sponsored project, contact the fellowship coordinator in your unit or call your OSR, ERA, or RMG representative. Additional information on fellowships (including SU-42FL).

University Research PTA Request Form, OSR Form 39

Please use this form rather than an OSR Standard PTA Setup Form 35 if this is for University research. See also these special instructions.

Processing PTA Mass Changes

To make changes to ROLE-related attributes (e.g., Project Manager, Task Manager, Principal Owner, Award Manager) for 10 or more PTAs, use the PTA Role Change Form.

Changes to Org codes are not available through this process. The form should be submitted to a senior OSR accountant in your school who will review and forward the request on to be updated in Oracle. A list of accountants by school is available on our OSR Home Page.

NOTE: For Capital Project accounts, a Form I must still be completed as per the current policies. In these cases, the PTA Request form should be attached to the Form I and routed to Capital Accounting for processing.

Printing Expenditure Statements

Expenditure statements are available online only now; we are no longer printing and mailing them.

Non-Sponsored Research PTA Forms Links
There are other PTA Set-up Request forms for non-sponsored PTAs. Links to those forms are:

Instructions for completing these forms is available on the Financial Gateway Site.


Navigation Links
Reasearch Administration Menu

Sponsored Research

Award Initiation & PTA Setup
Roles & Responsibilities
Policies & Procedures
Notice of Award
Award Types
Pre-Award Spending
Setting up a PTA
Using Transaction Controls to Manage Expenditures on Sponsored Projects
ePTA Setup Information

Related Links
Cardinal Curriculum Class "The Award Process"
Financial Training

Related Policy& Guidance
Admin Guide 34.2 Accounts
Administrative Guide Memo 37.3 Infrastructure Charges
Admin Guide 38.1 Allocations and Offsets
Cost Sharing Policy RPH 3.5
Guide to Fabrication PTAs