Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research Stanford University

CHP/PCOR Featured Publications

The work of CHP/PCOR researchers is published in peer-reviewed medical journals as well as in books, working papers, evidence reports and other formats. A selection of recently published work is listed below.

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Sourcebook Volume 1–Women Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration: Sociodemographic Characteristics and Use of VHA Care
Susan M. Frayne, Ciaran S. Phibbs, Sarah Friedman, Eric Berg, Lakshmi Ananth, Samina Iqbal, Patricia Hayes, Laura Herrera
Washington, DC : Women Veterans Health Stragetic Health Care Group, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration (2011) +HTML+


Defining and Measuring Successful Emergency Care Networks: A Research Agenda
Seth W. Glickman, Mucio Kit Delgado, Jon Mark Hirshon, Judd E. Hollander, Theodore J. Iwashyna Theodore J. Iwashyna, Alice K. Jacobs Alice K. Jacobs, Austin S. Kilaru, Scott A. Lorch, Ryan L. Mutter, Sage R. Myers, Pamela L. Owens, Michael P. Phelan, Jesse M. Pines, Christopher W. Seymour, N. Ewen Wang, Charles C. Branas
Academic Emergency Medicine vol. 17, 12 (2010) +HTML+



The Relation of Price of Antiretroviral Drugs and Foreign Assistance with Coverage of HIV Treatment in Africa: Retrospective Study
Eran Bendavid, Jay Bhattacharya, Nicole Smith, Eric Leroux, Grant Miller
BMJ vol. 2010, 341 (2010) +HTML+ +PDF+


The US Global Health Initiative: Informing Policy with Evidence
Eran Bendavid, Grant Miller
Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 304, 7 (2010) +HTML+



Comparative Effectiveness of HIV Testing and Treatment in Highly Endemic Regions
Eran Bendavid, Margaret L. Brandeau, Wood R, Douglas K. Owens
Archives of Internal Medicine vol. 170, 15 (2010) +HTML+



Variation in Specialty Care Hospitalization for Children With Chronic Conditions in California
Lisa Chamberlain, Jia Chan, Mahlow P, Lynne C. Huffman, Kristen Chan, Paul H. Wise
Pediatrics vol. 125, 6 (2010) +HTML+


Diagnosing and Managing Common Food Allergies
Jennifer Schneider, Newberry SJ, Riedl MA, Dena M. Bravata, Maglione M, Suttorp MJ, Vandana Sundaram, Paige NM, Towfigh A, Hulley BJ, Shekelle PG
Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 303, 18 (2010) +HTML+


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