David B Montgomery
Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing, Emeritus
Phone: (650) 723-3029
Email: [email protected]
Academic Areas: Marketing
Analysis of competitor response and decision making, global strategic alliances, globalization of marketing, global account management, modeling business-to-business buyer behavior, empirical analysis of the manufacturing/marketing interface, methods and applications of meta-analysis.
David B. Montgomery is Kresge Professor of Marketing - Emeritus, Dean - Emeritus and Consultant/Visiting Professor of Marketing and Management at Singapore Management University. He has published over 100 articles and 10 books and special journal issues relating to marketing science, marketing strategy, and global marketing and management. He is an INFORMS Fellow (2009) and is an Inaugural Fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (2008) and was awarded the 2002 AMA Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy award. He has served on the editorial boards of seven leading marketing/strategy/management science journals.
Academic Degrees
PhD, 1966, MS, 1964, MBA, 1962, BS, 1960, Stanford University.
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1970 to present. Emeritus since 1999. Dean, School of Business Singapore Management University, 2003-05. Consultant/Visiting Professor of Marketing and Management, Singapore Management University (2006 - 2010) University Distinguished Prof. HK Polytechnic U. 2008 Doctor Honoris Causa, Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Belgium ) 1998; Executive Director, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, Mass., 1995-97; Academic Trustee (1994 - 2000) and Executive Director's Council (2000 - ), Senior Research Associate, Marketing Science Institute, Harvard, 1969-70; Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Management (Calcutta), 1969; Assistant-Associate Professor, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., 1965-70; Acting Instructor, Industrial Engineering, Stanford School of Engineering, 1964.
Selected Publications
- Deterrence, Reputations, and Competitive Cognitions: Management Science, 1998
- First Mover (Dis)Advantages: Retrospective and Link with the Resource-Based View: Strategic Management Journal, December, 1998
- Managerial Identification of Competitiors: Journal of Marketing, 1999
- Why Should Marketing and Manufacturing Work Together? Some Exploratory Empirical Results: Journal of Operations Management, 2002
- Reasoning About Competitive Reactions: Evidence From Executives: Marketing Science Vol. 24, No. 1, 2005
- Strategic Alliances: Contrasting Korean/U.S. Preferences: Advances in International Marketing, ed. C.R. Taylor, vol. 7, 1996
- Perceiving Competitive Reactions: The Value of Accuracy (and Paranoia): Marketing Letters, Bruce Clark, March, 1996
- Comparison of Some AI and Statistical Classification Methods for a Marketing Case: European Journal of Operations Research, Swinnen and VanHoof, December, 1997
- Understanding the Japanese as Customers, Competitors, and Collaborators: Japan and the World Economy: A Journal of Theory and Policy, 1991
- Marketing's Interfunctional Interfaces: The MSI Workshop on Management of Corporate Fault Zones: Journal of Market Focused Management, with F.Webster, November, 1997
- Market Driven Manufacturing: Journal of Market Focused Management, with W. Hausman, November, 1997
- Toward Strategic Intelligence Systems: Marketing Management, with C. Weinberg, Winter, 1998
- Competitive Reputations, Multimarket Competition, and Entry Deterrence: Journal of Strategic Marketing, with B. Clark, 1998
- Rational Strategic Reasoning: An Unnatural Act?: Marketing Letters, with J. Urbany, August, 1998
Working Papers
- 1518: Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer and Performance in Emerging Economic Regions: the Case of Japanese International Joint Ventures in China
- 1520: Demand For and Use of Global Account Management
- 1700: Export Assistance, Price Adaptation to the Foreign Market, and Annual Export Performance Improvement: A Structural Model Examination
- 1701: The Effects of Prior Export Performance On Firms’ Commitment to Exporting and Marketing Strategy Adaptation to the Foreign Market: Evidence from Small and Medium-sized Exporters
- 1724: An Industry Expanation of Global Account Management
- 1767: Explaining Supplier Behavior On Global Account Management
- 1768: Performance Impact of Technological Assets and Reconfiguration Capabilities: The Case of Small Manufacturing Firms in Japan
- 1805: Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation Effects on MBA Job Choice
- 1980: Technological Capabilities and Firm Performance: The Case of Small Manufacturing Firms in Japan
- 1981: Including Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainaibility, and Ethics in Calibrating MBA Job Preferences
- 2018: Models of Job Preference for Stanford MBA's '78
- 22: Note On A Limit Distribution Arising In Certain Stochastic Response Models
- 23R: A Note on Adjusting R 2
- 253: New Tools for Teaching Marketing: Computer and Model Assisted Cases
- 28: A Multiple-Product Sales Force Allocation Model
- 31: On-Line Computer Applications in Marketing and Marketing Research
- 320: A Framework for the Comparison of Marketing Models: A Delphi Study
- 34: Estimating Dynamic Effects of Market Communications Expenditures
- 358: Implications of Product Portfolio Analysis for Strategic Competitive Intelligence
- 372: Toward Strategies for Marketing Home Energy Conservation
- 392: Strategic Intelligence Systems
- 393: The Freedom of Information Act: Opportunities and Threats at the Competitive and Governmental Interfaces
- 490: Toward Strategic Intelligence Systems
- 545: The Predictive Validity Of Conjoint Analysis For Alternative Aggregation Schemes
- 546: Measuring the Time-Varying Response to Market Communication Instruments
- 57: Stochastic Models of Consumer Choice Behavior
- 593: Brand Life Cycle and Dynamic Market Communications Elasticities
- 624: The Statistical Significance of Stepwise Regression Models Developed by Forward Selection: A Monte Carlo Calibration
- 641: Diagnosing the Experience Curve
- 676: Experience Curves: Evidence, Empirical Issues and Applications
- 690: Trade Response to Promotion: A Preliminary Report
- 693: Toward Decision Support Systems for Strategic Marketing
- 765: Conjoint Calibration of the Customer/Competitior Interface in Industrial Markets
- 928: Learning from Strategic Success and Failure
- 935: Routinized Choice Behavior, Brand Commitment, and Consumer Response to Promotions
- 962: On DGM and DCS on NBD
- 969: First-Mover Advantages
- 1706: Why Should Marketing and Manufacturing Work Together? Some Exploratory Empirical
- 1707: Competitive Reactions and Modes of Competitive Reasoning: Down-Playing the Unpredictable?
- 1538: Resource Commitment, Entry Timing and Market Performance of Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Economies: The Case of Japanese International Joint Ventures in China
- 1562: Fundamental Issues & Directions for Marketing
- 1619: The Challenge of Global Customer Management
- 1620: Exploring the Impact of Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies, Conflict, and Morale on Business Performance
- 1008R2: Individual Differences in Response to Consumer Promotions
- 1037R: Understanding the Japanese as Customers, Competitors, and Collaborators
- 104R: New Product Distribution: An Analysis of Supermarket Buyer Decisions*
- 1084: To Pioneer or Follow?: Strategy of Entry Order
- 1099: A Scanner-Based Proxy for Manufacturer's Coupons in Brand Choice Models
- 1103: Making Manufacturing Market Driven
- 1134: Managerial Preferences for Strategic Alliance Attributes
- 1185: The Manufacturing/Marketing Interface: Critical Strategic and Tactical Linkages
- 1242: Simulation Games as a Research Method for Studying Strategic Decision Making: The Case of MARKSTRAT
- 1261R: Deterrence, Reputations and Competitive Cognition
- 1283R: Competitive Reputations As Entry Deterrents
- 1284: Linking Manufacturing Priorities to Markets: Some Empirical Evidence
- 1310: An Improved Method for Meta-Analysis with Application to New Product Diffusion Models
- 1319: Cross-Cultural Strategic Alliances and Business Partnerships in the Information Technology Industry: Can Trust be Achieved in a Polygamous World?
- 1320: Executive Summary Cross-Cultural Strategic Alliances and Business Partnerships in the Information Technology Industry: Can Trust be Achieved in a Polygamous World?
- 1335R: Perceiving Competitive Reactions: The Value of Accuracy (and Paranoia)
- 1373: Strategic Alliances: Constrasting Korean/US Preferences
- 1385: Comparison of Some AI and Statistical Classification Methods for a Marketing Case
- 1387: Strategic Groups: Comparing Cognitive and Objective Approaches
- 1414: Competitive Reputations, Multimarket Competition and Entry Deterrence
- 1434R2: Managerial Identification of Competitors
- 1439: Market Driven Manufacturing
- 1440: Marketing's Interfunctional Interfaces: The MSI Workshop on Management of Corporate Fault Zones
- 1451: Competitive Reactions and Conjecture: Issues and Prospects
- 1481: The Use and Performance Effect of Global Account Management: An Empirical Analysis Using Structural Equations Modeling
- 1485: Rational Strategic Reasoning: An Unnatural Act?
- 1495: First-Mover (Dis) Advantages: Retrospective and Link with the Resource-Based View
- 150: Marketing Information and Decision Systems: Coming of Age in the '70's
- 1507: Strategic Roles and Performance of Japanese Subsidiaries
Selected Cases
Awards and Honors
- INFORMS Fellow, 2009
- Inaugural Fellow, 2008, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science
- Mahajan Award for Career Contributions to Marketing Strategy, 2002, American Marketing Association
- Awarded Doctor ( Honoris Causa) for Contributions to Marketing Science and Strategic Management, 1998, LUC (Belguim)
- Best Paper Award for First Mover Advantages, SMJ 1988, 1996, Strategic Management Society
- Distinguished Scholar Chair of Marketing, 2008, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Stanford Executive Program
- Founding Director Marketing Management Program
- Over 250 Executive Programs on 5 Continents
In The Media
- Stanford Study Finds MBA Graduates Prefer Ethical Employers, Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal
- Marketing: Negotiating a Corporate Fault Zone, Stanford Report Online
- Professor David B. Montgomery Appointed Dean of School of Business at Singapore Management University, Stanford Report Online
- Marketing's Bigger Voice in the Company, Stanford Business Magazine
- Strategic Issues in Japanese Subsidiaries, Stanford Business Magazine
- Stanford Business School Professor David Montgomery Wins Prize, Stanford School of Business News Release
- Misreading the Competition Can Hurt, Stanford School of Business Magazine
- Familiarity Breeds Alliances, Stanford School of Business Press Release
- Comparitive Strategies in Marketing, Stanford School of Business: Business School Magazine
- Montgomery to Head Marketing Institute, Stanford School Magazine