ECON Courses 2013 - 2014

Course Number sort icon Course Number - Letter Only Course Title Course instructor for Autumn Course instructor for Winter Course instructor for Spring Course instructor for Summer Course Level
400 Fourth Year Seminar Graduate
354 Workshop in Law and Economics Graduate
300 Third-Year Seminar Graduate
299 Practical Training Graduate
291 Social and Economic Networks Jackson Graduate
290 Multiperson Decision Theory Wilson Graduate
289 Advanced Topics in Game Theory and Information Economics Kojima
288 Computational Economics
287 General Equilibrium Theory Graduate
286 Game Theory and Economic Application Carroll Graduate
285 Auctions, Bargaining, and Pricing Graduate
283 Theory and Practice of Auction Market Design Milgrom
282 Contracts, Information, and Incentives Segal Graduate
281 Normative Decision Theory and Social Choice Graduate
279 Behavioral and Experimental Economics II Graduate
278 Behavioral and Experimental Economics I Graduate
277 Behavioral and Experimental Economics III Graduate
276 Limited Dependent Variables Hong Graduate
275 Time Series Graduate
274 Advanced Econometrics II Romano Graduate
273 Advanced Econometrics I Hong Graduate
272 Intermediate Econometrics III MaCurdy Graduate
271 Intermediate Econometrics II Wolak Graduate
270 Intermediate Econometrics I Graduate
269 International Financial Markets and Monetary Institutions Graduate
268 International Finance and Exchange Rates Graduate
267 Topics in International Trade Manova Graduate
266 International Economics II Bagwell Graduate
265 International Economics I Graduate
260 Industrial Organization III Graduate
259 Industrial Organization II B Graduate
258 Industrial Organization 2A Graduate
257 Industrial Organization I Graduate
253 Energy Markets: Theory and Evidence from Latin America
251 Natural Resource and Energy Economics Graduate
250 Environmental Economics Goulder Graduate
249 Topics in Health Economics Graduate
248 Labor Economics III Pistaferri Graduate
247 Labor Economics II Bloom Graduate
246 Labor Economics I Pencavel Graduate
242 Public Finance and Taxation II Graduate
241 Public Finance and Taxation I Hoxby Graduate
239 D Directed Reading Graduate
237 Financial Economics II Graduate
236 Financial Economics I Graduate
235 Advanced Macroeconomics III Hall Graduate
234 Advanced Macroeconomics II Graduate
233 Advanced Macroeconomics I Klenow Graduate
229 Topics in Economic History Graduate
228 Institutions and Organizations in Historical Perspective Greif Graduate
227 European Economic History Abramitzky Graduate
226 U.S. Economic History Graduate
225 Economics of Technology and Innovation Moser Graduate
224 Science, Technology, and Economic Growth Graduate
221 Political Economy II Graduate
220 Political Economy I Graduate
217 Topics in International Macroeconomics: Theory and Evidence for Latin America: Graduate
216 Development Economics III Graduate
215 Development Economics II Dupas Graduate
214 Development Economics I Chandrasekhar Graduate
212 Core Economics: Modules 4 and 8 Graduate
211 Core Economics: Modules 11 and 12 Graduate
210 Core Economics: Modules 3 and 7 Kurlat Graduate
204 Core Economics - Modules 9 and 10 Graduate
203 Core Economics: Modules 5 and 6 Bernheim Graduate
203 N Core Economics For Non-Economics Ph.D. Students Graduate
202 Core Economics: Modules 1 and 2 Segal Graduate
202 N Core Economics For Non-Economics Ph.D. Students Graduate
199 D Honors Thesis Research Undergraduate
198 Junior Honors Seminar Clerici-Arias Undergraduate
191 Introduction to Cost Accounting Stanton
190 Introduction to Financial Accounting Stanton Stanton
182 Honors Market Design Kojima Undergraduate
181 Honors Information and Incentives Segal
180 Honors Game Theory Wolitzky Undergraduate
179 Experimental Economics Niederle Undergraduate
178 Behavioral Economics Bernheim Undergraduate
168 International Finance and Exchange Rates Undergraduate
167 European Monetary and Economic Integration Undergraduate
166 International Trade Manova Undergraduate
165 International Finance Desmet Desmet Undergraduate
164 Law, Economics and Politics of International Trade Bagwell Undergraduate
161 The Finance of Retirement and Pensions Rauh Undergraduate
160 Game Theory and Economic Applications Shelef Undergraduate
158 Regulatory Economics Wolak Undergraduate
157 Imperfect Competition Kastl Undergraduate
156 Marine Resource Economics and Conservation Undergraduate
155 Environmental Economics and Policy Goulder Undergraduate
154 Economics of Legal Rules and Institutions Owen Undergraduate
153 Economics of the Internet Bresnahan Undergraduate
152 Policy & Strategy Issues in Financial Engineering Beder Undergraduate
150 Economic Policy Analysis Rosston Undergraduate
149 The Modern Firm in Theory and Practice Undergraduate
146 Economics of Education Undergraduate
145 Labor Economics Pencavel Undergraduate
142 Advanced Seminar in Public Economics Boskin Undergraduate
141 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy Suarez Serrato Undergraduate
140 Introduction to Financial Economics Shoven Undergraduate
139 D Directed Reading Undergraduate
138 Risk and Insurance Undergraduate
137 Decision Modeling and Information McKeon Undergraduate
136 Market Design Levin Undergraduate
135 Finance for Non-MBAs Ishii Undergraduate
128 Economic Development: A Historical Perspective Greif Undergraduate
127 Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries Undergraduate
126 Economics of Health and Medical Care Bhattacharya Dickstein Undergraduate
125 Economic Development, Microfinance, and Social Networks Chandrasekhar Undergraduate
123 Regulation and Competition in Less Developed Countries Undergraduate
122 Economic Development of Latin America Undergraduate
120 Socialist Economies in Transition Undergraduate
119 The Russian Economy Undergraduate
118 Development Economics Dupas Undergraduate
116 American Economic History Wright Undergraduate
114 Economy and Economics of Ancient Greece Amemiya Undergraduate
113 Economics of Innovation Moser Undergraduate
112 Financial Markets and Institutions: Recent Developments Schneider Undergraduate
111 Money and Banking Gould Leeson Undergraduate
110 History of Financial Crises Undergraduate
107 Causal Inference and Program Evaluation Undergraduate
106 World Food Economy Undergraduate
102 A Introduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists McKeon McKeon Undergraduate
102 B Applied Econometrics McKeon McKeon Undergraduate
102 C Advanced Topics in Econometrics Pistaferri Undergraduate
101 Economic Policy Seminar Undergraduate
52 Economic Analysis III Tendall Tendall Desmet Undergraduate
51 Economic Analysis II Kastl Scheuer Xiao Undergraduate
50 Economic Analysis I Abramitzky Sprenger Zhang Undergraduate
49 Managerial Economics
26 N Who gets what? The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design Roth
25 N Public Policy and Personal Finance Rosston Undergraduate
24 N Social Choice & Market Design Milgrom Undergraduate
21 N Economic Inequality Undergraduate
18 A The Washington Debate about American Competitiveness Undergraduate
18 B Silicon Valley Leaders' Take on America's Economic Future Undergraduate
18 C Real World Policy Makers Discuss How the U.S. Can Compete in a Global Economy Undergraduate
17 N Energy, the Environment, and the Economy Wolak Undergraduate
11 N Understanding the Welfare System MaCurdy Undergraduate
10 Silicon Valley Meets Wall Street Shanahan Shanahan Shanahan
5 Economics in the News Klenow Undergraduate
1 A Introductory Economics Undergraduate
1 B Introductory Economics B Undergraduate
1 Principles of Economics Taylor Clerici-Arias Boskin Undergraduate