Nicholas Bloom
[email protected]
Page in Stanford Directory
Phone: 650-725-7836
Office: Landau Economics, room 231
Office hours: By email appointment
- Research:
Uncertainty, managerial and organizational economics, innovation and technology
- Current Research:
Uncertainty and business cycles; management practices across firms and countries; innovation and IT
- Teaching:
Labor and macro economics
- Professional Affiliations:
National Bureau of Economic Research, The Centre for Economic Performance (at LSE), Center for Economic Policy Research, IZA and SIEPR
Recent Publications
(1) "The uncertainty impact of major shocks: firm level estimation and a 9/11 simulation," Econometrica
(2) "Measuring and explaining management practices across firms and countries” (with John Van Reenen), Quarterly Journal of Economics
(3) “Does management matter: evidence from India” (with Benn Eifert, Aprajit Mahajan, David McKenzie and John Roberts), Quarterly Journal of Economics
(4) “Americans do I.T. better”, (with Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen), American Economic Review
List of Stanford Working Papers
Current Courses
Ph.D., University College London; M. Phil Oxford University; B.A., Cambridge University