Avner Greif

Bowman Family Endowed Professor in Humanities and Sciences

Contact Info:

[email protected]
Page in Stanford Directory

Phone: 650-725-8936

Office: Landau Economics, room 261

Office hours: By email appointment

Curriculum Vitae


  • Research:

    European economic history, the historical development of economic institutions, their interrelations with political, social and cultural factors and their impact on economic growth

  • Current Research:

    Institutional development and economic growth in pre-modern Europe, coercion and markets

  • Teaching:

    European economic history, game theory, institutional economics

  • Professional Affiliations:

    AEA, EHA, ASSHA, Cliometric Society

Recent Publications

(1) “A Theory of Moral Persistence: Crypto-morality and Political Legitimacy.” 2010. (With Steve Tadelis.) The Journal of Comparative Economics.

(2) “Cultural and Institutional Bifurcation: China and Europe Compared” (With Guido Tabellini.) 2010. American Economic Review, 100 (May): 135–140.

(3) “Institutions and the Path to Economic Modernity: Lessons from Medieval Trade,” Cambridge University Press, 2006

(4) “A Theory of Endogenous Institutional Change,” Political Science Review, 2004

(5) “Cultural Beliefs and the Organization of Society: Historical and Theoretical Reflection on Collectivist and Individualist Societies,” The Journal of Political Economy, 1994

(6) “Coordination, Commitment and Enforcement: The Case of the Merchant Gild” (with Paul Milgrom and Barry Weingast), The Journal of Political Economy, 1994

List of Stanford Working Papers

Current Courses


Ph.D. Northwestern University; B.A. Tel Aviv University