Ran Abramitzky
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Page in Stanford Directory
Phone: 650-723-9276
Office: Landau Economics, room 232
Office hours: By email appointment
- Research:
Economic history, applied microeconomics
- Current Research:
The equality-incentives tradeoff and how it shapes and is shaped by institutions; migration and migrant selection; international knowledge flows; assortative matching in marriage markets
- Teaching:
Economic history, applied microeconomics
- Professional Affiliations:
AEA, Economic History Association, Cliometric Society
Recent Publications
(1) “Europe’s Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration,” with Leah Boustan and Katherine Eriksson, revise and resubmit, American Economic Review
(2) “Marrying Up: the Role of Sex Ratio in Assortative Matching,” with Adeline Delavande and Luis Vasconcelos, revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
(3) “Risk, Incentives and Contracts: Partnerships in Rio De Janeiro, 1870-1891,” (with Zephyr Frank and Aprajit Mahajan), Journal of Economic History forthcoming 2010
(4) “Lessons from the Kibbutz on the Equality-Incentives Trade-Off,” Journal of Economic Perspectives forthcoming 2010
(5) “The Effect of Redistribution on Migration: Evidence from the Israeli kibbutz,” Journal of Public Economics, 93, 498-511, 2009
(6) “The Limits of Equality: Insights from the Israeli Kibbutz,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming, 123:3, 1111-1159, 2008
List of Stanford Working Papers
Current Courses
Ph.D., M.A. Northwestern University; B.A. Hebrew University