Jonathan D. Levin


Contact Info:

[email protected]
Page in Stanford Directory

Phone: 650-723-5962

Office: Landau Economics, room 240

Office hours: By email appointment

Curriculum Vitae


  • Research:

    Microeconomic theory, industrial organization

  • Current Research:

    Organization and design of markets, Information technology, Credit and Insurance

  • Teaching:

    Microeconomic theory, industrial organization, applied microeconomics

  • Professional Affiliations:

    AEA, Econometric Society, NBER

Recent Publications

(1) “Estimating Dynamic Models of Imperfect Competition” (with Patrick Bajari and Lanier Benkard), Econometrica, 2007.

(2) “Liquidity Constraints and Imperfect Information in Subprime Lending” (with Will Adams and Liran Einav), American Economic Review, 2009.

(3) "Early Admissions at Selective Colleges," (with Christopher Avery), American Economic Review, 2010.

(4) "Empirical Industrial Organization: A Progress Report," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2010.

(5) "Comparing Open and Sealed Bid Auctions: Evidence from Timber Auctions," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011.

List of Stanford Working Papers

Current Courses


Ph.D., MIT; B.A., Stanford University