Monika Piazzesi
[email protected]
Page in Stanford Directory
Phone: 650-723-9289
Office: Landau Economics, room 343
Office hours: By email appointment
- Research:
Financial economics, macroeconomics, applied time series analysis
- Current Research:
Real Estate and other asset prices, household finance, subjective expectations, survey data
- Teaching:
Financial economics, macroeconomics
- Professional Affiliations:
NBER (Director, Asset Pricing Program), AEA, AFA
Recent Publications
(1) “Futures prices as Risk-Adjusted Forecasts of Monetary Policy” (with Eric Swanson), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008
(2) “Equilibrium Yield Curves” (with Martin Schneider), NBER Macroannual, 2007
(3) “No-Arbitrage Taylor Rules” (with Andrew Ang and Sen Dong), manuscript, 2008
(4) “Inflation and the Price of Real Assets” (with Martin Schneider), manuscript, 2008
List of Stanford Working Papers
Current Courses
Ph.D., Stanford University