2013 WIN Conference

Re-Ignite Your Creative Genius: Women Breaking Boundaries

Wednesday, February 27
11:30 am - 5:30 pm
Oberndorf Event Center
Knight Management Center
Stanford Graduate School of Business

This year's conference will help alumnae and students foster their creativity, craft a smart approach to networking, and give them a chance to hear first-hand accounts of overcoming professional challenges from fellow alumnae.

Open to GSB alumnae and students and their guests.
$50 per attendee, students are free. Price includes box lunch, program, reception, and parking.
Please register by February 24. See Who's Coming

Event Schedule
11:30 am - 12:30 pm


11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Box Lunch Provided

12:30 - 1:00 pm

Welcome by Dean Saloner

1:00 - 2:00 pm

A Crash Course on Creativity with Professor Tina Seelig, Executive Director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Author of inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity

Creativity often feels like a mystery. Whether we are struggling to generate fresh ideas or staring at problems with no solutions in sight, the spark of creative genius often seems out of reach. In this talk Professor Tina Seelig reveals a set of tools and conditions that we each control - our Innovation Engine - that allows us to increase our own creativity and that of our teams and organizations. She shows that just as the scientific method demystifies the process of discovery, there is a formal process for unlocking the pathway to invention.

2:00 - 2:15 pm


2:15 - 3:00 pm

Fireside Chat with Cipora Herman, MBA '02,
Chief Financial Officer of San Francisco 49ers
and Sarah Friar, MBA '00, Chief Financial Officer of Square

3:00 - 4:30 pm

Interactive Smart Networking Session
with Liz Lynch, MBA '92, Author of Smart Networking: Attracting a Following In Person and Online

Networking is one of the fastest, most cost effective ways to advance your career and grow your business. But it can also be a frustrating, time-consuming endeavor if you don't know how to put together the pieces of your online and offline strategy.

Enjoy two of Liz's most popular events rolled into one! A content-rich seminar to help you build your own Smart Networking roadmap PLUS Liz's unique twist on "speed networking" to help you practice essential skills first hand while having meaningful interactions with fellow participants.

Discover and apply the foundational skills that all successful networkers know:

  • How to increase your value and be seen as a go-to resource
  • How to ask for what you want without putting people off
  • How to become a connector and help advance the goals of others

Plus, get guided instructions on how to develop a clear elevator pitch, specific action steps to make follow up a breeze, and targeted ways to leverage social media.

You will leave with real connections, not just contacts, and the confidence to put yourself out there in any networking situation.

4:30 - 5:30 pm

Wine and Cheese Reception

Questions about this Event?
Please email the GSB Alumni Relations office or phone at +1-650-723-4046.


  • Coming to Town?
    Book a room at the Crowne Plaza by Jan 28 for special conference rate of $249/night. Book online or via phone using code WI3.
  • Parking
    Available at Galvez Lot
  • Questions?
    Email the Alumni Relations office or phone +1-650-723-4046
  • Need Help with Alumni Username/Password?
    See Help

WIN Conference Planning Committee Members

Susan Austin, GSB Alumni Relations, Women's Initiative Network
Robbie Baxter, MBA ‘96
Purvi Mody, MBA ‘04
Sarah Smith, MBA ‘07
Allison Yazdian, MBA ‘09