Intellectual Programs
Grab a front-row seat as esteemed Stanford faculty explore today's most pressing issues, unveil cutting-edge research and remind us how good it feels to learn something new. Get your number 2 pencil: class is in session.
Weekend Schedule Highlights
We have great programs throughout the weekend — you won't want to miss a single minute. Schedule subject to change.
Thursday, October 4
1:30 p.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
3:30 p.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
Friday, October 5
8:00 a.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
9:30 a.m. President's Welcome and Panel
3:15 p.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
Saturday, October 6
9:30 a.m. Roundtable
1:00 p.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
Sunday, October 7
10:00 a.m. Classes Without Quizzes and Tours
1:00 p.m. Stanford Book Salon
Admission for Classes Without Quizzes and Tours is first-come, first-served and included in the daily, educational and weekend passes.
Featured Programs
Classes Without Quizzes (CWOQs) and Campus Tours

Listen in as Stanford faculty delve into current events, technology, the humanities and more. Whether you'd like to see a favorite professor, learn about the latest groundbreaking research or get a guided tour of campus, you'll find something to spark your intellectual curiosity.
See class times and descriptions »
President's Welcome and Panel Discussion

Join fellow classmates in Memorial Auditorium as President John L. Hennessy welcomes alumni back to campus and provides a "state of the university" update. Then, hear about innovative approaches in education from a panel of Stanford professors as they discuss the topic, Classroom 3.0: Reimagining Learning.
Watch Hank Greely '74, from last year's panel »

Join ABC news correspondent Juju Chang, '87 and a panel of distinguished thought leaders and scientists to explore the brave new world of neuroscience and what it means for you and your family.
Visit the Roundtable website »
Stanford Book Salon

Calling all bookworms! Join us for a lively discussion of Turn of Mind, a riveting Alzheimer's mystery by Alice LaPlante, a former Stegner Fellow who teaches creative writing for the Mastery in Communication Initiative at the Graduate School of Business.
RSVP for the Book Salon Discussion »

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"Classes Without Quizzes is the program that brings me to these reunions more than anything else. I love them."
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P.O. Box 20270
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