Family member information listed in my alumni profile is no longer correct, but I cannot update it. How can I fix it?
Certain profile fields cannot be updated by you online. One type is your family member information. If this information requires correction, please see below.
- If you find an error regarding family member information, please contact the Stanford Records Office at [email protected] or (650) 725-4336.
- Note: If you wish to hide your family information, you may do so under your privacy settings.
All My Profile/privacy settings questions
- How do I update my contact information in my alumni profile, including my preferred e-mail address and mailing address?
- How do I remove certain information (add privacy) to my profile?
- My Stanford degree information is incorrect in my alumni profile, but I cannot update it. How can I fix it?
- How can I see how my profile appears to others?
Top Ten Technical Inquiries
- I need my password.
- I can't check my e-mail.
- I can't log in to the web site.
- The system doesn't recognize me during registration.
- How do I update my Alumni Profile?
- Can I use Eudora or Outlook to read my e-mail?
- How do I combat spam e-mail?
- Can I change my username and e-mail address?
- How do I locate a specific alumnus/alumna of Stanford?
- How do I register for a regional event?