SMYSP Stanford Medical Youth Science Program

Public Health Advocacy Curriculum

Please note that the Public Health Advocacy Curriculum has been formatted for double-sided printing.

Full Curriculum with cover: (226 pages; 16.3mb)

Full Curriculum without cover: (224 pages; 5.1mb)

Cover: (1 page; 11.4mb)

Opening Matter: includes acknowledgements, introduction, and table of contents (6 pages; 208kb)

Lesson One: Introduction to Health (28 pages; 365kb)

Lesson Two: Food Availability, Obesity, and Diabetes (24 pages; 435kb)

Lesson Three: Environmental Hazards and Regulatory Measures (18 pages; 407kb)

Lesson Four: Smoking, Drinking, and the Media (24 pages; 340kb)

Lesson Five: Perceiving Communities through a Public Health Lens (14 pages; 390kb)

Lesson Six: Identifying Community Assets and Barriers (20 pages; 3.5mb)

Lesson Seven: Leveraging Community Assets and Barriers (14 pages; 288kb)

Lesson Eight: Understanding Health and Social Advocacy (10 pages; 249kb)

Lesson Nine: From Start to Finish: Health Advocacy Projects (26 pages; 341kb)

Lesson Ten: Upstream Causes and Health Advocacy Review (22 pages; 351kb)

References: (2 pages; 131kb)


Stanford Medicine Resources:

Footer Links: