DOE | Stanford | SLAC | SSRL | LCLS | AD | PPA | Photon Science | PULSE | SIMES
New LCLS-II accelerator from sectors 10-20 (the 2nd kilometer of the SLAC linac) and the “existing” LCLS-I accelerator from sectors 20-30 (the 3rd kilometer of the SLAC linac), also showing the new electron bypass line (dashed = vertical bends) and the hard x-ray (HXR) and soft x-ray (SXR) FEL undulators in a new hall, nearly parallel to, and just south of the present LCLS-I undulator.
This is a weekly meeting replacing the engineering meeting. The agenda will include general LCLS-II Project news and a topical presentation on the status of some part of the Project.
I have posted a draft schedule of...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science by Stanford University
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