The Washington Monument in the autumn.

Washington Here I Come !


Now that you’ve been accepted to the Bing Stanford in Washington Program carefully follow these steps:

  1. Pick up your handbook and sign the paper commitment form
    1. You will receive an email instructing you to swing by the Public Policy office to pick up the handbook
    2. You will also sign a commitment form, which solidifies your participation in the program and your arrival date in Washington
  2. Carefully read Life at BSIW
    1. It is critical that you read this entire section in order to understand the requirements and the opportunities of the program
  3. Complete the online commitment form
    1. Please carefully complete the emergency contact and insurance information
    2. This information is important in case of an emergency while you’re in Washington
    3. If you don’t know who you’d like to room with yet, that’s fine, but please complete the fields regarding your music, messiness, and sleep schedule as accurately as possible
  4. Meet to discuss your internship placement
    1. The quarter after you’re accepted, you will receive an email asking you to sign up for a time to meet with the Director about your upcoming internship placement
    2. If you’ll be off campus during this quarter, you must arrange a time to discuss your placement by phone. To do so, please contact the Program Coordinator
© 2009 Stanford in Washington