
Adrienne M. Jamieson, Director

Professor Adrienne Jamieson, the MaryLou and George Boone Centennial Director of Stanford in Washington, is a political scientist who specializes in American national politics, public policy and the media. She is an affiliated professor in the Public Policy Program and frequently teaches one of the core seminars in Washington where she designs the curriculum, recruits local faculty and arranges students' internships. She also serves as the on-site academic advisor, providing assistance with internship papers, honors theses, plans for graduate school and careers in politics, policy and the press. She is a recipient of Stanford's Dinkelspiel Award for her contributions to undergraduate education.

Suzanne Miller, Assistant Director

Suzanne Miller directs the overall administration of SIW. She oversees student affairs, including financial aid and registration. She works with Professor Jamieson to secure internships for students each quarter. Before coming to SIW, Suzanne served as Senior Legislative Analyst for the Economic section of the Embassy of Japan as well as Legislative Correspondence Director for two members of the Utah Congressional delegation on Capitol Hill.

Lori Carter, Financial and Facilities Manager

Lori Carter manages SIW’s financial affairs and works with a variety of vendors to ensure our building is running smoothly. She previously held the post of finance associate at SIW. Prior to joining the SIW staff, Lori was the Office Manager for the Office of the State of Texas.

Carmi Schickler, ’10, Program Coordinator

Carmi Schickler directs day-to-day office operations and assists incoming students to ensure a smooth transition to SIW. Additionally, he works with Adrienne and Suzanne in arranging internships, planning cultural events, and providing overall support for the academic program. Carmi is a BSIW alumnus (spring 2009) and received a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in History.

Jill Vizas, '97, On-Campus Coordinator

Jill Vizas oversees the on-campus activities of SIW and assists with student recruitment. Jill graduated from Stanford in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Prior to joining the SIW staff, Jill worked as a paralegal in Washington, D.C. and as an attorney in San Francisco. Her office is located in the SIEPR Gunn Building, Room 105, and she is able to answer any questions about the program.

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