Jennifer Lynn Aaker
General Atlantic Professor of Marketing
Ormond Family Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013
Phone: (650) 724-4440
Email: [email protected]
Personal Homepage: https://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/aaker/
Academic Areas: Marketing
A social psychologist and marketer, Jennifer Aaker is the General Atlantic Professor of Marketing at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.Her research spans time, money and happiness. She focuses on questions such as: What actually makes people happy, as opposed to what they think makes them happy? How can small acts create infectious action, and how can such effects be fueled by social media? She is widely published in the leading scholarly journals in psychology and marketing, and her work has been featured in a variety of media including The Economist, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BusinessWeek, Forbes, CBS Money Watch, NPR, Science, Inc, and Cosmopolitan. Aaker teaches in many of Stanford’s Executive Education programs as well as MBA electives including Designing Happiness, How to Tell a Story, as well as Brands, Experience & Social Technology (BEST). Recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award, Citibank Best Teacher Award, George Robbins Best Teacher Award and both the Spence and Fletcher Jones Faculty Scholar Awards, she has also taught at UC Berkeley, UCLA and Columbia. Most recently she has co-authored, The Dragonfly Effect: Quick Effective Powerful Ways to Harness Social Media for Impact
A homegrown Californian, Jennifer has studied at the Sorbonne, and counts winning a dance-off in the early 1980’s among her most impressive accomplishments.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Marketing, PhD Minor in Psychology, 1995, Stanford Graduate School of Business; BA Psychology, 1989, University of California, Berkeley.
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1999.
Stanford Graduate School of Business, General Atlantic Professor (2005-present); Stanford Graduate School of Business, Full Professor (2004-2005); Stanford Graduate School of Business, Associate Professor (2001-2004); Stanford Graduate School of Business, Assistant Professor (1999-2001); Columbia Graduate School of Business, Visiting Assistant Professor (Fall 1998); UCLA, Anderson Graduate School of Management, Assistant Professor (1995-1999).
Selected Publications
- How Happiness Affects Choice: Journal of Consumer Research August 2012, Vol. 39, No. 2: 429-443., 2012
- Getting Emotional about Health: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLIV, 100-113., 2007
- Do You Look To The Future Or Focus On Today?: Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 102, 212-225, 2007
- Bridging the Culture Chasm: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 25 (1), 53-66, 2006
- Understanding Regulatory Fit: Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (Feb), 15-19, 2006
- When Good Brands Do Bad: Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (June), 1-18, 2004
- Some Key Differences between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life: Forthcoming in the Journal of Positive Psychology, 2012
- Awe Expands People’s Perception of Time and Enhances Well-Being: Forthcoming in Psychological Science, 2012
- Cultivating Admiration in Brands: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2011
- If Money Does Not Make You Happy,Consider Time: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2011
- The Shifting Meaning of Happiness: Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2010
- Non-Profits Are Seen as Warm and For-Profits as Competent: Journal of Consumer Research, 2010
- The Time vs. Money Effect: Journal of Consumer Research, 2009
- Why Do People Give? The Role of Identity in Giving: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2009
- Recalling Mixed Emotions: Journal of Consumer Research, 2008
- The Happiness of Giving: The Time-Ask Effect: Journal of Consumer Research, 2008
- Time Will Tell: Journal of Consumer Research, 2008
- Do You Look to the Future or Focus on Today?: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2007
- Delineating Culture: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2006
- When Does Culture Matter?: Journal of Marketing Research, 2006
- Two Roads to Updating Brand Personality Impressions: Journal of Marketing Research, 2005
- Bringing the Frame into Focus: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004
Working Papers
- Leave them smiling
- 1576R: The Role of Culture in the Resolution of Information Incongruity: Additivity versus Attenuation
- 1577R: The Pleasures and Pains of Distinct Self-Construals: The Role of Interdependence in Regulatory Focus
- 1578: Non-Target Markets and Viewer Distinctiveness: The Impact of Target Marketing on Advertising Attitudes
- 1579: Accessibility or Diagnosticity? Disentangling the Influence of Culture on Persuasion Processes and Attitudes
- 1586R: Culture Dependent Assimilation and Differentiation of the Self: Preferences for Consumption Symbols in the United States and China
- 1604: I Seek Pleasures, We Avoid Pains: The Role of Self Regulatory Goals in Information Processing and Persuasion
- 1630: Off-Target? Changing Cognitive-Based Attitudes
- 1632: Dimensions of Brand Personality
- 1633: Empathy Versus Pride: The Influence of Emotional Appeals Across Cultures
- 1634: The Malleable Self: The Role of Self-Expression on Persuasion
- 1635: The Effect of Cultural Orientation on Persuasion
- 1668R: Consumption Symbols as Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish Brand Personality Constructs
- 1716: When Good Brands Do Bad
- 1780: The Formation and Malleability of Brand Personality Inferences
- 1815: Bringing the Frame into Focus: The Influence of Regulatory Fit on Processing Fluency and Persuasion
- 1884R: Two Roads to Updating Brand Personality Impressions: Trait versus Evaluative Inferencing
- 1910: Understanding Regulatory Fit
- 1911R: When Does Culture Matter? Effects of Personal Knowledge on the Correction of Culture-based Judgments
- 1913: Recalling Mixed Emotions
- 1914: Time Will Tell: The Distant Appeal of Promotion and Imminent Appeal of Prevention
- 1922R: Bridging the Culture Chasm: Ensuring that Consumers are Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
- 1924: Do You Look To The Future Or Focus On Today? The Impact Of Life Experience On Intertemporal Decisions
- 1925: Getting Emotional About Health
- 1998: The Happiness of Giving: The Time-Ask Effect
- 2014: The Time vs. Money Effect: Shifting Product Attitudes and Decisions through Personal Connection
- 2026: The Meaning(s) of Happiness
- 2027: Why Do People Give? The Role of Identity in Giving
- 2047: Non-Profits Are Seem as Warm and For-Profits as Competent: Firm Stereotypes Matter
- 2067: If Money Doesn't Make You Happy, Consider Time
- 2070: The Shifting Meaning of Happiness
- 2084: How Happiness Impacts Choice
- 2087: Cultivating Admiration in Brands: Warmth, Competence, and Landing in the “Golden Quadrant”
- 2095: Awe Expands People’s Perception of Time, Alters Decision Making, and Enhances Well-Being
Selected Cases
- M321: Obama and the Power of Social Media and Technology
- M319PP: Using Social Media to Save Lives: HelpVinayAnd Sameer.org
- M321CV: Obama and the Power of Social Media and Technology
- M323B: How To Tell A Story (B)
- M336: Amplifying Perceptions: How JetBlue Uses Twitter to Drive Engagement and Satisfaction
- M333: Zappos: Happiness in a Box
- M328: NIKE WE: Design Meets Social Good
- M325: Kiva.org and the Power of a Story
- M335: Dispensing Happiness: How Coke Harnesses Video to Spread Happiness
- M328PP: NIKE WE: Design Meets Social Good
- M334: Deals @Delloutlet: How Dell Clears Inventory Through Twitter
- M337: Bonobos: Customer Intimacy Through Community Development
- M331: Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation: Eradicating Cancer, One Cup at a Time
- M328B: NIKE WE: Design Meets Social Good
- M319: Using Social Media to Save Lives: HelpVinayAndSameer.org
- M330: The Psychology of Happiness
- M323A: How To Tell A Story (A)
- M323A: How To Tell A Story (A)
Awards and Honors
- The Nautilus Literary Award, 2011, The Dragonfly Effect (co-author)
- A. Michael Spence Faculty Scholar, 2006, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
- Early Career Award for Outstanding Research, 2003, Society of Consumer Psychology
- Distinguished Teaching Award, MBA, 2000, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Courses Taught
- GSBGEN 542: How to Tell a Story
- GSBGEN 543: The Power of Stories in Business
- MKTG 249: Sloan: Re-Imagining Marketing: The Power of Stories
- MKTG 355: Designing Happiness
In The Media
- Mixed Feelings Not Remembered As Well As Happy Or Sad Ones, ScienceDaily
- Foster a More “Giving” Identity to Rouse Donors and Volunteers , Stanford GSB News