Jennifer L. Aaker
General Atlantic Professor of Marketing
Ormond Family Faculty
Graduate School of Business
Knight Management Center
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305-7298
Mailcode: 7298
Email: [email protected]
Academic Position
- Stanford Graduate School of Business, General Atlantic Professor (2005-present)
- Stanford Graduate School of Business, Full Professor (2004-2005)
- Stanford Graduate School of Business, Associate Professor (2001-2004)
- Stanford Graduate School of Business, Assistant Professor (1999-2001)
- UCLA, Anderson Graduate School of Management, Assistant Professor (1995-1999)
- Columbia Graduate School of Business, Visiting Assistant Professor (Fall 1998)
- Stanford University Graduate School of Business, (Ph.D. in Marketing, Ph.D. Minor in Psychology, 1995)
- University of California, Berkeley, (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, 1989)
Honors, Awards and Grants
- Nautilus Silver Award for Dragonfly Effect, 2011
- Robert K. Jaedicke Silver Apple Award, 2011
- General Atlantic Chair 2005 - present
- A. Michael Spence Faculty Scholar, 2003-2004
- Society of Consumer Psychology Early Career Award for Outstanding Research, 2003
- Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2002, 2003
- Fletcher Jones Faculty Research Scholar (Stanford), 2000-2001
- Distinguished Teaching Award (school-wide award, Stanford), 2000
- Marketing Science Institute Grant, 2000
- Citibank Best Teacher Award (school-wide award, UCLA), 1999
- George Robbins Best Teacher Award (UCLA), 1998
- Hong Kong Science International Research Grant, 1997-1998
- CIBER International Research Grant, 1996-1999
- UCLA Academic Senate Grant, 1995-1999
- A.M.A. Dissertation Award, 1996 (Finalist)
- Stanford University, GSB, 1993-1994: Merit Fellowship, Jaedicke Scholar, Psi Chi National Honorary Society in Psychology, 1989
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